Sunday, February 16, 2020

Chinese nationals arrested for allegedly sodomising colleague

Juliana Francis
Detectives attached to the Lagos State Police Command have arrested two Chinese nationals for allegedly sodomising their roommate.

The suspects have been identified as Yang Liang Ming, (41) and Mr Wang Gui-Moi, (45).
The suspects were said to have been arrested after the victim, Jun Lan-Yin, wrote a petition to the Area F Commander, an Assistant Commissioner of Police, (ACP), Olasóji Akinbayo, alleging the suspects had been raping him through his anus whenever he was asleep.   
A team of policemen led by Akinbayo arrested the two suspects. Interestingly, both suspects had vehemently denied the allegations of Lan-Yin.
However, investigations have revealed that there was sexual assault by the two suspects. This was further corroborated by medical reports from Mirabel Medical Centre, at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), which confirmed that Lan-Yin was sodomised.

It was also gathered that both the suspects and complainant, are staff of Life Mate Furniture and are illegal residents whose visas had long expired.
Investigations further revealed that the suspects had a record of being gay at their former place of work and the company was ready to testify against them if necessary

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