Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Governor Obiano please save me, cries 104 year old homeless woman

Okegwo kenechukwu Onitsha

Mrs Margret Onwuelo, 104, of Umuenem Otolo Nnewi community, Anambra State, has been left homeless following a land dispute crisis in the community.

The community was said to have been plunged into crisis after invasion of some hoodlums.
The hoodlums, who unleashed mayhem on residents, also demolished buildings, including a bungalow belonging to Onwuelo.

According to an eyewitness account, the demolition followed a protracted land tussle involving family members over a parcel of land. 

The eyewitness, who did not want his name mentioned, alleged that the old woman’s building was demolished by suspected hoodlums.

The hoodlums were further alleged to have invaded the community with bulldozer. The hoodlums were alleged to have been hired by those interested in taking over the land, which included the old woman’s house.
The hoodlums arrived in batches at about 9am and waited until someone came to point places to demolish. They descended on every available structure in the area.

Onwuelo, narrating her ordeal, said: “I have been under pressure from some highly placed people close to my family members to give up the land, but I refused. I refused because the land belonged to me. My husband, Chief Edward Onwuelo and I acquired the land in 1953 with 50 pounds. Trouble started when people became desperate to take over the land following the death of my eldest son. These land grabbers want me to die so that they can take over my land, but I thank God I escaped them. But I lost everything; my property and medicine. Right now, I’m surviving through the help of neighbours and relations. I’m begging Governor Willie Obiano, well-meaning, philanthropists and Churches to come to help me.” 

The Anambra State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), a Superintendent of Police (SP), Haruna Mohammed, said the Command was not yet aware of the incident. He advised the woman to lodge a formal complaint to the police for further investigation.

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