Sunday, February 16, 2020

Seven guardians arraigned for molesting under aged children

Caleb Onwe, Abuja 

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Social Development Secretariat,  disclosed that seven guardians have been arrested and already being prosecuted for allegedly molesting and abusing under aged children, who were in their custody.

Two among the guardians, Mr and Mrs Moses Onoja, and Mrs. Ada Okamba, were alleged to have assaulted and inflicted injuries on 10 year old Precious and 14 year old Chineye Nwoka. 

The Director of Gender Department, Dr. Agnes Hart, yesterday in Abuja said that the seven people were already being prosecuted. Hart, who expressed concern that the phenomenon of child abuse and molestation were increasing in the territory, stated that the department recorded an average of four assault cases every week.

According to her, teachers from different schools have been bringing reports about children who face severe molestation from their guardians. The woman called on residents to always report cases of child molestation. This was even as she warned that those who couldn’t protect the rights of children should stop scouting for the services of house helps. She further stressed that the administration has zero tolerance for any form of abuse.

She said: "Here in the FCT, we have a sexual and gender base response team. We have zero tolerance for any form of abuse against any resident, let alone violence on a child. Nobody in the FCT can molest a child and go Scot free. The Child Rights Act of 2003 is very clear on that. Every child has the right to life, right to quality education, right to healthcare and other fundamental human rights as enshrined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

Hart further said: “This week alone, we have received four cases of child abuse and violence against children, and this has been the trend. Presently, we have seven of such cases in the FCT Family Court and we are going to follow through with all of such cases.”

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