Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How our security guard attempted to kill me, says victim

Abiodun Adesoga

Mr Ifeanyi Chukwu has narrated how a security guard, simply identified as Godspower, has attempted to shoot him to death during a quarrel at the VON Estate, Mowe, Ogun State.

The victim, who spoke from his hospital bed at the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, said that his troubles started after he had a quarrel with his landlady, Mrs Aina, over his use of generator in the compound and payment of his rent.
Chukwu, who cried and writhe in agony throughout his chat with our correspondent, believed that his strained relationship with his landlady, made the woman to poison the minds of the security guards in the estate against, including Godspower, leading to the latter shooting him during an altercation.
Chukwu explained that he became a tenant of Aina in Von Estate in Mowe, Ogun State in April 18, 2018. He noted that two months after he rented the apartment, he started witnessing terror in the hands of his landlady.
The victim, whose right leg was in bandage, following the bullet wound he sustained after Godspower shot him, grimaced in pains, sniffed and narrated his story.
He said that Aina had a penchant for complaining about everything. He maintained that the woman didn’t allow him to have a moment of peace in the house.
Chukwu said that even though he didn’t know his offence, he had repeatedly kept apologising to Aina, in order to allow peace to reign.
He said: “She complained of my generator, saying that it disturbs her. She would ask me to put it off, that she wanted to sleep. Most times I would just switch off the generator, other times; I would fall asleep, forgetting to switch it off. She even went as far as to report me to the Community Development Association (CDA), that I should be warned about the generator. After the meeting, which I didn't attend, someone came to tell me that the matter she reported wasn't taken seriously, that they told her to go and settle the case with me because the matter was between the two of us. She also brought a security guard, Mr Godspower to my house. The guard came to my house armed. He tried to shoot me, but she shouted, don’t shoot him here.”
Chukwu said that after the generator case was laid to rest, then came the time for him to renew his rent. When he got to Aina, she referred him to her lawyer. When he got to the lawyer, he was told that he would have to pay another agreement, in additional with his current rent. Chukwu said he knew that what Aina and her lawyer were demanding was simply not done anywhere.
He said: “I didn’t utter a word. I only had N125, 000 with me and my rent was N150, 000, with the agreement, everything comes down to N175, 000. I paid N125, 000 and went home. The following morning, I overhead my landlady speaking with the lawyer on the phone; she was shouting that she didn’t like the way I was scattering money for her. She said that was not how to pay money, but I didn't say anything. After sometime, I balanced her remaining N50, 000.”
Chukwu said that prior to that incident; he noticed that the security guards in the estate, Mr Umaru and Mr Godspower, whom he used to be on good terms with, all turned against him.
He also recalled that there was a time the estate wrote a petition against him after he forgot to lock the estate gate.
He said that he had to open the gate for a pregnant woman and forgot to lock it. Subsequently, the lock was changed and he was notified or given a key.
He returned one day and discovered that he had been locked out. He said that he knocked repeatedly, but no one came to unlock the gate for him. He was forced to break it. He recalled that this happened again, and then Aina, Godspower and some other people in the estate, wrote a petition against him, alleging that he had destroyed some property.
Aina also alleged that Chukwu was threatening to kill her, burn down the estate.
Following the petition, Chukwu and his wife were arrested. His wife was then later given bail after paying the sum of N5000. She was granted bail so that she would go and mind the children at home.
Chukwu, on the other hand, was detained until the following day. He was then bailed by his friends. Chukwu said that a policeman at the Mowe Police Station bought a new padlock and gave it to the estate.
He recounted: “Before all this, the landlady has told the chairman of the CDA, Mr Ray Ikeoda and some other people to warn me about the padlock. I was sleeping when they came. When they knocked on my door, it was my wife that answered the door. They asked her to go and wake me; when she came, I told her to tell them I was sleeping, but they still insisted that they wanted to see me. I came out because I wanted to go and get fuel. I didn’t greet them because they were not welcomed in my house. They angrily told me to replace the padlock within 24hours. Before the 24hours was over, they wrote the petition against me.”
Chukwu disclosed that the date, December 23, 2019, would forever be imprinted in his memory. That was the day he was shot on his leg by Godspower, leading to him spending Christmas and New Year in National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos State.
According to him, on that fateful day, he had gone out with Steven his landlady’s driver’s son and Segun, his neighbour’s son to buy fuel.
On their way back from the filling station, Godspower, flashed a torch on their faces and continued to blind them with the flashlight, pretending he didn’t recognise them.
Chukwu said that the three of them asked Godspower to stop blinding them with the torch, especially since he had recognised and knew each of them. He alleged that it was at that point that Godspower started raining curses on them.
He recollected: “Segun got angry and returned the insult. I told Godspower to stop with his insults, but the guard reached for a wood and tried to hit me. I removed my belt and attempted to use it to defend myself.  As Godspower tried to hit me with the wood, I held his hand and used my belt on him. People gathered and settled the case there. On our way to our various houses, Godspower, followed us; but this time he was armed. I asked my wife to call Godspower that he shouldn’t point the gun at her son. Godspower replied that he didn’t have any issue with them before. He left Segun and faced me. And then, we heard a gunshot. I didn’t know I had been hit. I attempted to run, just as others ran, but I fell. He has shot me on my ankle. My wife came out, screaming for help. A neighbour, who was driving pass in his mini bus saw me, stopped and rushed me to a nearby clinic.
“The wound couldn't be treated there and I was referred to Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH) Sagamu, where I deposited N15, 000 before I was admitted. A nurse came to check me after three days, which was on the 26th. I was not being attended to, so I decided to go to National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, in Lagos.”
Chukwu said that in order to leave the hospital to the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, he needed to balance the Shagamu hospital N26,000. He said that he called the chairman of the estate CDA about his need to move and the need to balance the hospital, but he was told to remain there as the association couldn’t afford any money for another hospital.
He stayed some days more and simply got fed up with the treatment at the hospital and then called a friend, who assisted him with the money to offset the balance and then he left.
Chukwu said that immediately he paid the balance, he was given a referral letter to National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi.
On getting to National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, he had to pay over N300, 000. He said that he was given free blood and then the first surgery was done on his leg.
He added: “The other expenses are on me; I had just my wife and a friend running around to make sure I didn’t lack anything. The only money the CDA chairman gave me was N100, 000 and till date, I haven't heard from them. I’m all alone on this. I even heard that the Godspower, who shot me, has been granted bail. I beg the government to help me find justice and I want human rights activists to come to my aid because justice has to take its course.”
Chukwu, who said that his health had been poorly, added that he had been stooling. He added: “I’ve been the one paying my bills. I’ve run out of money. I need help. My wife has to borrow N1000 this morning to get me food and water. We’re broke. I need intensive care because of the nature of my injury. I’m in great pains. I can’t move my leg. They are supposed to take me to theatre and work on my leg, but I’m worried they might ask for another payment. The pins in my bone, holding my fractured bones together have been disconnected. One was disconnected when it loosened and the other one pulled out overnight. Since last night that I complained, a doctor came, but he couldn’t adjust it.”
Mr Lawrence, who said that he witnessed the attack on Chukwu, said: "I was walking pass when I saw the security guards having a heated quarrel with Ifeanyi. I stopped to settle the dispute between them and Ifeanyi. By then Ifeanyi had already removed his belt, which he used to flog Godspower. I managed to settle the quarrel and we walked into the Estate. On getting to my house gate, I asked Ifeanyi to stay a little while in my house so that the tension of the moment would reduce. Two hours later, Ifeanyi decided to return to his house. Some minutes after we came out, Ifeanyi headed to the entrance of his house and just like that, Godspower appeared from nowhere and blocked him from entering his house. The guard was armed.
"I warned the guard not to use the gun on anybody, but he turned deaf ears to my warning and opened fire. As we were about to run, Ifeanyi fell down. We turned and saw that he had been shot on his ankle. A resident in the estate was driving past in his car, when we quickly flagged him and he assisted in taking Ifeanyi to hospital.”
Our correspondent gathered that Godspower was arrested by policemen from Mowe Police Station, but later released.

Our correspondent also spoke with Mr Ray Ikeoda, who Chukwu said was the chairman of the CDA in the estate. The man, however, denied being the chairman. He said that he is the vice chairman and now residents in Edo State.
While puncturing Chukwu’s allegation that he was handling his medical bills all alone, without assistance from the CDA, Ikeoda, said that the association had ceaselessly assisted the victim financially and had never abandoned him.
According to him, aside from financial assistance, the secretary of the association and other executives, have also visited him. Ikeoda added that they also used to call on phones just to check on him.
Ikeoda explained that he came into town briefly from Edo State because his house was burgled and chanced upon a wounded Chukwu.
He said that he was the person that used his car to rush him to the nearby hospital. He disclosed at the first hospital, where Chukwu was given First Aid, the association made payment. Chukwu was later moved to the hospital in Shagamu and the CDA also made payment. When he was finally moved to National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, the association also supported him with N100, 000.
Ikeoda said: “I was not there when the incident happened, but what I heard that Ifeanyi, after flogging the security guard, struggled to take possession of his gun. It was during the struggle that the gun went off. It was accidental discharge.”
He further stated that he was not a policeman and couldn’t explain why police allowed Godspower to go on bail. He, however, opined that the police must have done its investigation.
He added: “The matter is with the police and they should be able to investigate, but that doesn’t give him the right to accuse anybody. If I’m to say this, the way you handle an issue determines how people will attend to you. If he says he feels abandoned ask him what the estate has done for him.”
Our correspondent went to Mowe Police Station to get the fact of the matter, but the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of the division, a Superintendent of Police (SP), Jaiyeola Martins, declined comment.
Martins insisted that our correspondent should get in touch with the Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Abimbola Oyeyemi, stressing that he was not in a position to comment on the shooting incident.
When Oyeyemi was contacted, he said: “The shooting incident happened during an argument between the security guard and Chukwu at night. But Chukwu didn’t die. Chukwu was returning at night and the guard questioned him and then there was an argument. Chukwu started struggling with the guard to take possession of his gun. During the struggle, the gun fired, hitting Chukwu on his ankle and shattering the bone, but the guard was also hit by the bullet. The matter was taken to the police station, but their lives were more important to us. They were both taken to Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital for treatment, but Chukwu was later moved to the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, because his own was bone injury. They are both responding to treatment.”
Asked if the matter would eventually be charged to court, Oyeyemi said that police interrogate both men after they might have healed. He said that after that it would be decided whether to charge the matter to court or not.

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