Saturday, October 20, 2012

Siblings claim they were having sex, not stealing TV as police alleged

Two siblings' alibi for allegedly trying to steal a TV was incest.
Police Robert and Amanda Larrivee, were caught trying to steal televisions from a Springfield, Mass. bar Sunday night, according to WGGB.
 A witness reported that the two entered the bathroom at Samuel's at the Basketball Hall of Fame around 9 p.m. and started "ripping the television off the wall."
A manager and another employee locked the Larrivees in the bathroom while they called police. When officers arrived, the pair reportedly claimed that they weren't stealing a TV, they were having sex, according to
Incest is illegal in Massachusetts and punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Upon further investigation of the scene, cops found that the TV had indeed been forcibly removed from the bathroom wall, WWLP reported.
Amanda, 30, and Robert, 38, were charged with larceny. Robert Larrivee was also charged with threatening to commit a crime because he allegedly tried to beat up an arresting officer at the police station.

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