Saturday, July 13, 2013

Supervisor caught raping mentally disabled employee dismissed colleague who threatened to report him by claiming the woman 'wouldn't know the difference'

A supervisor at a Seattle warehouse was caught raping a fellow worker who was developmentally disabled whilst he was on the job and then went on to justify his vile actions by saying the woman 'wouldn't know the difference.'
James A. Neligan, 54, was caught in the act as he was having sex with the woman inside a cubicle.

According to court documents, his colleague had the intellectual abilities of an eight or nine-year-old.

Still free: The case was heard at the King County Superior Courthouse in Seattle, but Neligan has not been jailed
Still free: The case was heard at the King County Superior Courthouse in Seattle, but Neligan has not been jailed
Caught with his fly down and genitals exposed, the creep is alleged to have told the other worker to 'mind her own business.'
A Seattle Police detective said the alleged victim then began crying. Neligan shook his head, zipped his fly and walked away.
Neligan went on to say 'don't tell nobody' and that she would get in trouble if she told someone about the incident.
The woman said the man touched her sexually after she told him not to, and that he continued to do so after she told him to stop.
Both had worked for together for more than ten years at the warehouse where Neligan was a supervisor.
Neligan was fired following the incident and claimed the witness who caught him had misunderstood what was happening in the cubicle.

He soon changed his story after detectives told him that DNA evidence collected following the incident.
Sweating profusely, Neligan said he had been teaching the woman how to have sex after she asked him for advise.
He is alleged to have admitted having sexual contact with her for about a year.
'I asked James if he was ever nervous about getting caught and he replied ‘Oh of course, yeah,’' the detective told the court. 'I asked why and he explained because he knew he wasn’t supposed to be doing it.'
When asked if he felt guilty about being physical with the victim because she was developmentally disabled, Neligan said 'probably, I would assume so; I guess that would have a lot more to do with it, yeah.'
Although Neligan has been charged in the case, he had not been jailed.

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