Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The twisted bisexual near-genius who murdered two gay men: Profile of killer on the run who 'slit the throat of a Good Samaritan'

Ian McLoughlin is an 'astonishingly bright' man who has a violent hatred of gay men despite being bisexual himself
Ian McLoughlin is an 'astonishingly bright' man who has a violent hatred of gay men despite being bisexual himself

A double killer on the run who is suspected of murdering a third is bordering on genius level but harbours a violent hatred of gay men.
Bisexual Ian McLoughlin, 55,  viciously attacked a paedophile he met in jail and is believed to have stabbed a neighbour who rushed to his aid after a row broke out on Saturday.
Grandfather and father of three, Graham Buck, 66, was killed as he tried to help paedophile Francis Cory-Wright, 87, in the village of Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire.
Today, it emerged that convicted killer McLoughlin – now the focus of a ‘massive manhunt’ has an IQ of 140 and is described as 'astonishingly bright'. Anyone with a IQ above this is considered a ‘genius’.
The killer has already served one sentence for killing one gay man, and was 22 years into a second jail term for murdering another homosexual.

McLoughlin, who also uses the surname Baker, absconded on Saturday while on day release from an open prison where he is serving a 25-year sentence for murdering homosexual Peter Halls, 55, in 1990, just months after he finished a jail term for another homophobic killing.
He murdered Mr Halls by stabbing him through the neck while he lay face down on a bed in 1990, seven years after he killled Len Delgatty, 49, in Stoke Newington, north London.  Mr Delgatty, who was also gay, was battered with a hammer before being strangled with a tourniquet and then left upside down to drown in his own blood.
McLoughlin, who is bisexual but is said to hate gay men, fled the scene but later crashed his car while drunk and was found to have used Mr Delgatty's credit card.
McLoughlin was charged with murder but convicted of manslaughter after claiming he was incensed by Mr Delgatty playing him a tape in which he fantasised about having sex with a teenage boy.  The alleged tape was never found.
Police looking for double killer Ian McLoughlin in connection with a suspected murder in a quiet village have released this image
Police looking for double killer Ian McLoughlin in connection with a suspected murder in a quiet village have released this image
Wanted: Ian McLoughlin is believed to have met convicted paedophile Francis Cory-Wright, 88, in prison
Wanted: Ian McLoughlin is believed to have met convicted paedophile Francis Cory-Wright, 88, in prison
Family man: Graham Buck, 66, who died int he latest killing, is circled in a family photo
Family man: Graham Buck, 66, who died in the latest killing, is circled in a family photo
The trial heard that Mr Delgatty had previously served time in prison for under-age sex and another sex offence.
McLoughlin's 13-year sentence for the killing was reduced to eight years on appeal, but within 17 months of his release, McLoughlin, a drifter from Barrow-in-Furness who is said to have worked as a rent boy, killed again in September 1990.

Again, his victim was gay: Peter Halls, a publican with whom McLoughlin had been living in Brighton.  He forced him to lie face down on his bed and then stabbed him through the neck with such force that the knife came out the other side.
Forensics officers yesterday worked at Cory-Wright's stone house in the village of Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire
Forensics officers yesterday worked at Cory-Wright's stone house in the village of Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire
McLoughlin then stole luxury goods worth thousands of pounds from him.
The most recent killing took place in a quiet Hertfordshire village where, it is alleged,on his first day of unsupervised release, McLoughlin is said to have targeted the £1million home of Old Etonian Francis Cory-Wright, 87,a convicted paedophile he got to know while the two were in prison together.
He is believed to have been interrupted by a neighbour, named yesterday as grandfather and father-of-three Graham Buck, who overheard shouting and went to help.
McLoughlin is suspected of grabbing a knife from the kitchen and repeatedly stabbing Mr Buck, 66, a retired businessman, before fleeing with thousands of pounds in cash.
Victim's home: A statement released by Mr Buck's family today said: 'We were all in such a happy place as a family... We cannot get over that we have lost him'
Victim's home: A statement released by Mr Buck's family today said: 'We were all in such a happy place as a family... We cannot get over that we have lost him'
At the time of Mr Halls’ death, his sister Pamela condemned his release from jail in the first place, saying: ‘McLoughlin should not have been released after he committed this sort of crime the first time.’
Yesterday, when it emerged that he was granted day release from an open prison as part of his ‘rehabilitation’, she branded the justice system ‘a joke’.
The 71-year-old mother-of-two from Brighton said: ‘This monster has struck again and has been allowed to strike again because he has been freed to walk the streets just as he was with my poor brother.'
‘I pray he is caught soon. Nothing can change men like McLoughlin, he is evil and should have been left rotting in a prison cell where he deserves to be, not free to kill and kill again.’
Graham Buck, 66, died after he went to help neighbour Francis Cory-Wright
Old Etonian Francis Cory-Wright, 88, came out of prison - where he met Ian McLoughlin - eight months ago
Company director Graham Buck, 66, left, died after he went to help neighbour Francis Cory-Wright, 87, right
She said she had spent more than 20 years trying to come to terms with her brother’s killing.
She said: ‘I have tried to put Peter’s killing behind me but you never forget. Now all the terrible emotions I felt have come back to the surface.
‘McLoughlin has never shown a scrap of remorse for what he did to Peter. I would be happy if they gave him a lethal injection.’
Mr Buck leaves a wife, two sons, a daughter and two grandchildren, and a wife from a previous marriage. His wife, Karen, a 55-year-old nurse, said: ‘I’ve lost my rock. I wouldn’t be able to do half the things I’ve done since being with Graham if it wasn’t for him. He and his family have always been there for me in difficult times. I don’t know what I’ll do without him.’
In a statement, his family added: ‘We have no words to express how much Graham will be missed. We were all in such a happy place as a family. We were all so settled, with growing numbers of grandchildren whom he adored being around.
‘We haven’t seen him happier than being around his grandchildren, he was so proud. We cannot get over that we have lost him.’
Police and forensics officers worked on the houses belonging to both Mr Buck and Cory-Wright today
Police and forensics officers worked on the houses belonging to both Mr Buck and Cory-Wright today

Police guard the home of Cory-Wright in the sleepy Hertfordshire village of Little Gaddesden, near Berkhamsted
Police guard the home of Cory-Wright in the sleepy Hertfordshire village of Little Gaddesden, near Berkhamsted
McLoughlin was known to the police in Cumbria where he grew up, and ended up in a juvenile care home.  He was convicted of a string of crimes including theft and burglary, and was described as  a 'drifter'.
He was married briefly but, troubled by his sexuality, it did not last, and he soon turned to more serious crime.
Yesterday Detective Chief Superintendent Jeff Hill said McLoughlin went to Cory-Wright's house for a ‘purely financial motive’ but warned the public that McLoughlin is ‘extremely dangerous’ and should not be approached.
Paying tribute to Mr Buck, he said he had ‘paid the ultimate price for intervening at the home of an elderly neighbour’.
Cory-Wright, who suffered injuries during the attack, was discharged from hospital yesterday.

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