Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Violent prisoner escapes jail for a SECOND time nine months after he is told he would not be released in the 'immediate future' for absconding

A violent prisoner has escaped for a second time in nine months after he was sentenced for absconding while serving time for robbery and actual bodily harm.
Mark Donnison, 43, fled from Hollesley Bay yesterday morning despite a judge telling him he would not be released in the 'immediate future' when he was recaptured after absconding.
He had been transferred in May to the open facility in Suffolk nicknamed Holiday Bay because of its 'relaxed' regime.
Absconded: Mark Donnison, 43, is on the run for the second time in less than a year after he escaped from an open prison in Suffolk
Absconded: Violent Mark Donnison, 43, is on the run for the second time in less than a year after he escaped from an open prison in Suffolk
Donnison was arrested when he was recognised by police officers at a chip shop in Hull four weeks after going missing from North Sea Camp open prison, Lincolnshire, in August last year.
He was put back behind bars by a judge at Hull Crown Court where he was told he would not be able to secure an early release when he was jailed for another four months.
Judge Mark Bury warned him: 'You could have received a much longer sentence but the reality is, here is a serving prisoner serving a life sentence and the real punishment will come because you will not be able to secure any form of early release in the immediate future.'
Donnison was warned that he could spend life behind bars when he was jailed in 2007 as he would only be released if it was considered he was no longer a danger to society.
His indeterminate sentence for carrying out a robbery in Hull stated that he could only apply for parole after serving a minimum of three and a half years.
Donnison went on the run with another prisoner, Gary Lawson, 31, when he absconded from North Sea Camp on August 10 last year.
Lawson was serving a life sentence for the murder of pensioner Alfred Wilkins, whose home in Grimsby was set on fire in 2001.
Both Lawson and Donnison were jailed in October at Hull Crown Court for four months to run concurrently with their existing sentences.
His second bid for freedom has sparked outrage with Humberside Police Commissioner Matthew Grove who said resources were being directed towards recapturing him.
Missing: Staff at Hollesley Bay realised Donnison had absconded at around 8am on Monday morning
Missing: Staff at Hollesley Bay realised Donnison had absconded at around 8am on Monday morning
He said: 'I am concerned that a man who is serving a life sentence for robbery and who escaped from an open prison in August last year has been put back in another prison from which he has been able to escape again.
'This news will rightly raise questions in the minds of residents in Hull and Suffolk as to what processes are followed by the prison service to ensure the risk of prisoners escaping is mitigated.
Anger: Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey has pledged to flag up the case with the Ministry of Justice
Anger: Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey has vowed to raise the issue with the Ministry of Justice
'I am sure residents will also be asking themselves why local police resources will once again be spent on recapturing someone who chooses to put two fingers up at the justice system.
'These are questions I will be raising on their behalf with the Justice Secretary, whom I intend to write to concerning this case.'
Suffolk Coastal Tory MP Therese Coffey pledged to take up the case with the Ministry of Justice.
'It is concerning that an offender with a history of absconding is put in an open prison,' she added, before criticising the decision to impose a concurrent jail sentence as punishment for Donnison's initial escape.
'In my opinion, the sentence should have been added to run consecutively and not concurrently,' she said.
Peter Cuthbertson, from the Centre for Crime Prevention, which calls for tougher sentencing, said: 'The use of open prisons should be scaled back dramatically to prevent cases like this.
'They make a mockery of punishment, and in far too many cases lead to dangerous criminals avoiding justice. This puts the public at risk and wastes police time,' he added.
A spokesman for the Prison Service said: 'The number of absconds from open prisons in 2011-12 was the lowest level since central records began, and only those risk assessed as suitable for open conditions are placed in open prisons.
'Those who do abscond will be returned to a more secure prison and may face further charges.'
A spokesman for Suffolk Police said: 'Police are asking anyone who may have seen him or anyone with information about where he is now to contact officers.
'You should not approach him or take any further action. He has connections to the Bridlington and Hull areas.'
Donnison is of medium build, around 5ft10ins tall, with tattoos of an eagle on his lower right arm and the name ‘Mark’ across his knuckles.


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