Thursday, September 18, 2014

'Cut off my leg so I can run faster': Sporty teenager who had one limb amputated for medical reasons now wants the OTHER one removed

A schoolgirl who had one leg amputated for medical reasons is now begging surgeons to cut off her other leg - so she she can run faster and compete at the paralympics.
Danielle Bradshaw, 15, decided to have her right leg removed in 2010 after a congenital disorder left it useless.
The teenager was then fitted with a prosthetic limb, meaning she could abandon her wheelchair and start enjoying sports for the first time in her life.
Danielle Bradshaw, 15, had her right amputated for medical reasons four years ago. She is now begging surgeons to cut off her 'other' leg, which is causing her medical complications - so she she can run faster and compete at the Paralympics
Danielle Bradshaw, 15, had her right amputated for medical reasons four years ago. She is now begging surgeons to cut off her 'other' leg, which is causing her medical complications - so she she can run faster and compete at the Paralympics
She started sprinting on an Oscar Pistorius-style running blade - but says the strain on her 'good' leg is now causing her constant pain and slowing her down.
She now wants her left foot - which has deformed toes and severe tendon damage - removed so she can run with two prosthetics and achieve her dream of competing in top-level paralympic events.
Her stepfather Darren Quigley, 53, said: 'We always thought the good leg was good and that was it, but in the last two years it's taken a lot of strain.
'She's taking daily medication, wearing ankle and knee braces and even has a plate under her knee to support her. It's all slowing her down.
'Danielle just wants to run and won't let anything hold her back - not even her foot.
'She will be a paralympian one day, but she needs this procedure to improve her times.'
Miss Bradshaw, from Tameside, Greater Manchester, was born with developmental dysplasia of both hips and a dislocated right knee.
The condition meant her hips would frequently dislocate and her right leg was unstable.
At two months old, doctors cut tendons in her leg and operated more than 12 times in an attempt to improve her quality of life.
But despite their best efforts, she was forced to rely on a wheelchair and was only able to get out with the aid of crutches. 
At just 11 years of age, Miss Bradshaw shocked friends and family by begging doctors to remove the crippled leg so she could fulfil her dream of taking up athletics. 
Miss Bradshaw (left) pictured with the paralympian Oscar Pistorius, says the strain on her 'good' leg is now causing her constant pain and slowing her down
Miss Bradshaw (left) pictured with the paralympian Oscar Pistorius, says the strain on her 'good' leg is now causing her constant pain and slowing her down
The teenager was born with a condition called developmental dysplasia of both hips and a dislocated right knee - meaning she had to rely on a wheelchair before her 'bad' leg was amputated 
The teenager was born with a condition called developmental dysplasia of both hips and a dislocated right knee - meaning she had to rely on a wheelchair before her 'bad' leg was amputated 
Her step-father added: 'She's always been interested in sports and doing anything active.
'I remember when she had her leg in plaster after an operation and I caught her on the trampoline at the back of the house. There's no stopping her.
'Every operation or set back has been frustrating for her. Danielle just wanted to get out of her chair and run, to do what everyone else was doing.'
Soon after the operation at Sheffield Children's Hospital in September 2010, Danielle was fitted with a prosthetic leg, presented to her by TV host, Fern Britton.
She then took up running 100m sprints and it before long, she was competing across the county as a disabled athlete.
She won various medals, including gold and silver at the England Athletic Championships, and has now set her sights on the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016.
But her constant training and competing has started to take its toll on her 'healthy' left leg - and her race times have suffered as a result. 
Miss Bradshaw now believes in order to fulfill her Paralympic dreams, she will have to have her left foot amputated.
Mr Quigley said: 'Danielle's said to the surgeon that if they won't amputate she'll go elsewhere. 
Miss Bradshaw now wants her left foot - which has deformed toes and severe tendon damage - removed so she can run with two prosthetics and achieve her dream of competing in top-level Paralympic events
Miss Bradshaw now wants her left foot - which has deformed toes and severe tendon damage - removed so she can run with two prosthetics and achieve her dream of competing in top-level Paralympic events
Doctors are expected to make a decision on the fate of her left foot in the next two months 
Doctors are expected to make a decision on the fate of her left foot in the next two months 
'No is not a word in her dictionary. If she wants something, she's going to get it.
'Sport is her life and she doesn't want it taken away from her. She competes in throwing events as well, but running has always been the main focal point and if you take it away from her it would devastate her.
'She loves the freedom of running. What child wouldn't?'
Miss Bradshaw said: 'Getting the running blade made everything a lot better.
'It enabled me to get into more sports and opened up a lot of activities for me that I couldn't do before.
'I want to become really good at what I do - the discus, shot and running. I also want to encourage more disabled people to get into sport.
'I'm not hoping for the operation, I just want to get better like anyone else would want. I'll take anything to fix it, though. Nothing will stop me doing my sport.'
Her family hope the hospital will make a decision on the amputation by November.


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