Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Gordon Brown roars into life: On the eve of historic vote, ex-PM gives the speech of the campaign so why wasn't he in charge of the No campaign from the beginning?

Gordon Brown today delivered the speech of the referendum campaign, urging voters to have the 'confidence' to say No to independence.
The former Prime Minister tore into Alex Salmond, insisting Scotland does not belong to him or any other politician, declaring: 'Scotland belongs to all of us.'
Speaking without notes, he urged anyone with doubts about the risks of separation to vote No to save the Union, adding: 'What we created together, let no nationalist split asunder.'
The speech could become seen as one of the defining moments of the campaign, and reignite questions about whether Mr Brown should have fronted the No campaign from the start. 
Gordon Brown delivered his most passionate speech of the referendum campaign today, urging people to have the confidence to vote No
Gordon Brown delivered his most passionate speech of the referendum campaign today, urging people to have the confidence to vote No
Mr Brown's extraordinary performance was in marked contrast to the more understated delivery of Better Together's leader Alistair Darling
Better Together leader Alistair Darling
Mr Brown's extraordinary performance was in marked contrast to the more understated delivery of Better Together's leader Alistair Darling. The two men became bitter enemies towards the end of their time in government, but the campaign to save the Union has brought them together
Mr Brown addressed hundreds of UK supporters at a community centre in Glasgow, standing shoulder to shoulder with his former Chancellor Alistair Darling, leader of the Better Together campaign, and Scottish leaders from Labour, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.
In a direct challenge to Mr Salmond's claim that to vote Yes is the patriotic thing to do, Mr Brown said: 'Tell the Nationalists, it’s not their flag, their culture, their country or their streets.
'Tell them it’s everyone’s flag, everyone’s culture, everyone’s country and everyone’s streets.
'And tell them that our patriotic vision is bigger than nationalism; we want Scotland not leaving the UK, but leading the UK, and through leading the UK, leading in the world.' 
Mr Brown's extraordinary performance was in marked contrast to the more understated delivery of Better Together's leader Alistair Darling. 
The two men became bitter enemies towards the end of their time in government, but the campaign to save the Union has brought them together 
 Tell the Nationalists, it’s not their flag, their culture, their country or their streets
Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown 
A YouGov survey at the weekend showed that among people in Scotland, 60 per cent of people thought Mr Darling had performed 'badly' in the campaign, compared to 51 per cent who said the same of Mr Brown. 
He sent out a plea to undecided voters to reject the 'risks' of independence.
'To those people that have still got doubts and are wavering, people who were thinking about voting Yes yesterday but could be persuaded today, let us tell them about the real risks,' he said in an address to supporters.
'This is not the fear of the unknown - this is now the risks of the known.
'An economic minefield where problems could implode at any time, an economic trapdoor down which we go from which we might never escape.'
In a heart-felt speech, Mr Brown tore into nationalists and Alex Salmond, insisting Scotland does not belong to them
In a heart-felt speech, Mr Brown tore into nationalists and Alex Salmond, insisting Scotland does not belong to them
The former Prime Minister has been one of the stand-out performers of the No campaign, although some argue he should have been given a more high profile role sooner
The former Prime Minister has been one of the stand-out performers of the No campaign, although some argue he should have been given a more high profile role sooner
The former Prime Minister has been one of the stand-out performers of the No campaign, although some argue he should have been given a more high profile role sooner
Mr Brown has addressed dozens of rallies and public events in recent days, after opinion polls suggests the No lead was narrowing
Mr Brown has addressed dozens of rallies and public events in recent days, after opinion polls suggests the No lead was narrowing
A YouGov survey at the weekend showed that among people in Scotland, 60 per cent of people thought Mr Darling had performed 'badly' in the campaign, compared to 51 per cent who said the same of Mr Brown
A YouGov survey at the weekend showed that among people in Scotland, 60 per cent of people thought Mr Darling had performed 'badly' in the campaign, compared to 51 per cent who said the same of Mr Brown
Mr Brown stressed that the vote is 'for all time' and cannot be undone or redone.
'If you have any doubts about the future unresolved, any questions unanswered, any risks unexplained, if you don't know, then you have to vote 'No'.
'But if you, like me, believe the way forward is not separation but justice through cooperation, then I say to you today:
'Hold yourselves with dignity. Have confidence. Our values are the values of the people of Scotland.
'Have confidence. Our stronger Scottish Parliament meets the needs and aspirations of the Scottish people.
'Have confidence. Our future lies in cooperation and sharing, and not in separation and splitting apart. That unity is our strength. Have the confidence to stand up, be counted and say for Scotland's sake: not now, not this time, not the risks, no thanks.
'Have confidence to stand up and be counted and say, for Scotland's future, 'No'.'
Invoking a patriotic spirit to defend the Union from independence, Mr Brown said: 'What we created together, let no nationalist split asunder'
Invoking a patriotic spirit to defend the Union from independence, Mr Brown said: 'What we created together, let no nationalist split asunder'
He received a long standing ovation from the hundreds of people in the Community Central Hall in Glasgow
He received a long standing ovation from the hundreds of people in the Community Central Hall in Glasgow
There was a small group of Yes campaigners outside the Community Central Hall, with police guarding the entrance while Mr Brown was in the building
There was a small group of Yes campaigners outside the Community Central Hall, with police guarding the entrance while Mr Brown was in the building


Vicki Greig, 28, told how her own life and her mother's had been saved by the NHS
Vicki Greig, 28, told how her own life and her mother's had been saved by the NHS
A trainee surgeon launched a passionate defence of the NHS against threat posed by independence, saying she had been spurred into action by the 'lies' of Alex Salmond's SNP.
In a highly-emotional speech at a rally in Glasgow, Vicki Greig, 28, told how her mother had only been able to walk her down the aisle when she tied the knot on Sunday thanks to the expert NHS care she received to treat breast cancer.
Miss Greig condemned SNP claims about the privatisation of the NHS by London were 'dishonest, unethical and wrong', and had been made while Mr Salmond was secretly planning £500million in in cuts if he wins independence.
Miss Greig told how she is training as an oral surgeon in Glasgow, and of her own personal debt to the NHS for saving her own life, and that of her mother Moira.
'I was born in an NHS hospital, like most of you here,' she said. 'I was in and out of A&E countless times as a child. I was treated in an NHS hospital when I had a heart condition.' 
She said that like most people she has the NHS to thank for 'saving the life of a loved one'.
She added: 'My mother was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2004.
'Thanks to the expert care she received on the NHS, and being a part of an experimental drug trial, funded by the NHS, my mum was there to walk me down the aisle, with my father and I, when I got married on Sunday.'
Miss Greig married Rolls Royce engineer Ian McNeull, 28, in a humanist ceremony in Aberdeen on Sunday. He has voted Yes in the referendum.
Tearing into the SNP, Miss Greig added: 'Let me be absolutely clear, I have never done anything like this in my life.
'I would not be here today if it wasn't for the lies I have been told by the SNP. They have been dishonest, they've been unethical and they have been wrong.
'They've acted in a way which was in direct contrast with all of my professional values and everything I vowed to uphold when I graduated.
'They have attempted to manipulate the most vulnerable people in our country, those reliant on the NHS, patients & carers alike by preying on their fears. 
'They told lies about privatisation to frighten people into voting to leave our friends and family across the UK. 
'And the whole time they were doing it, they were hiding half a billion pounds of cuts for our NHS. 
'We deserve better than that. Our vulnerable deserve better than that. Scotland deserves better than that.'
Mr Brown said the risks independence brings include uncertainty about currency, the threat of a default on debt, rising prices in the shops and the threat to the million jobs dependent on UK trade, he said.
He added: 'We will face a massive financial hole that cannot be made up with even a fraction of the oil revenues, a massive financial hole that means the risk to the NHS does not come from us - it comes from the policies of the SNP.
'We're aware now of the risks but to those that think Scotland will be somehow more progressive under the nationalists - let us tell them of our vision for the future of Scotland.
'Not the Scotland of insults and abuse and threats and recriminations.
It is the Scotland of Adam Smith and John Smith, the Scotland of stability and compassion, the Scotland of comradeship and community is bigger and better than what we have seen.'
He added: 'We have had no answers. They do not know what they are doing. They are leading us into a trap.'
The passionate, heart-felt and loud speech was in marked contrast to the image of Mr Brown as Chancellor and particularly Prime Minister, when he appeared uncomfortable in his own skin.
He has spoken to thousands of people at dozens of events in recent days, taking the fight to Mr Salmond in a way that no-one else in the No campaign appears able to do.
Yesterday Labour leader Ed Miliband faced questions about whether Mr Brown is now the defacto leader of the No campaign.
Mr Miliband admitted: 'He's a very important part of this campaign, I think he has done a very good job. All of us are setting out that choice.
'I think all of us are doing our job in getting through to Labour voters. I think Gordon is playing his role, Johann Lamont is playing her role, Alistair Darling, all of us are setting out that big choice that we face.'
In the early stages of the campaign Mr Brown and Mr Darling were not even on speaking terms.
But after a shock poll 10 days ago put the Yes campaign ahead, Labour turned to its big beasts in a bid to win back the working-class vote.
A new Survation opinion poll for the Mail shows that the race is still too close to call.
The headline results show that 44.1 per cent of Scots plan to back independence, up from 42.4 per cent in a comparable poll from last week.
Support for a No vote remains virtually static at 47.7 per cent, with 8.3 per cent undecided. Overall, this points to a final result of 52 per cent No and 48 per cent Yes.
But alarmingly for the No camp, the poll indicates a shift back to Yes among Labour voters, who may decide the outcome.
While 91 per cent of those who voted Conservative in the 2011 Holyrood elections are backing No, just 60 per cent of Labour voters plan to do the same.
It suggests Mr Brown has had some impact in winning over Labour voters, but it is not clear if it is enough to secure a victory for the No campaign.
In a direct plea to the voters who have still to make up their minds, Mr Brown added: 'Tell the undecided, the unpersuaded, those who know the risks and those who think the SNP are progressive, tell them we have a vision for the future of Scotland. 
'A vision that will bring a divided Scotland back together again. Not a Scotland when the eyes of the world are upon us is a Scotland of intimidation, threats, insults, abuse and recriminations. 
'I know the Scotland of Adam Smith and John Smith is better and bigger than this. A Scotland, yes, with a strong Scottish Parliament for fairness. And yes, strong for equality across the UK.
'It is not for ourselves alone that we fight; we do not seek prosperity, security and strength for just us and no one else.' 

As Mr Brown spoke, hundreds of people gathered in another part of Glasgow for a rally supporting the Yes campaign


Hundreds of Yes supporters gathered on Glasgow's Buchanan Street for their eve of poll rally.
Activists holding placards that read 'let's do this' chanted 'yes we can'.
Blair Jenkins, chief executive of Yes Scotland, said: '‎This is the last big push for the Yes campaign - the largest grassroots movement Scotland has ever seen.'
Yes Scotland ‎chair Dennis Canavan told the crowd: 'Indications are that over 40 per cent of Labour voters will vote Yes, and if we can get 50 per cent by tomorrow, we will win.'
He said their No campaign rivals were in a 'complete state of disarray'.
The rally was much smaller than one held by Yes campaigners in the same location on Saturday.
Alex Salmond will make a final address to Scottish voters tonight. 
Mr Brown went on:  'Everywhere, at every time, at every level, including within the UK, our instinct, our desire, our demand, and our dream for social justice is not through separation, but for a world of social justice. 
'This is the dream that we can live for and will never die off. This is the great cause that is worth fighting for and will endure.'
English comedian and Better Together activist Eddie Izzard opened the proceedings with a call for Scottish unity, whatever the outcome of the referendum, but insisted saying No was not a negative response.
'Bob Geldof said: 'No can be a positive word if it is saying no to a negative thing'.
'Glasgow was the first city in the world to honour Nelson Mandela, giving him the freedom of the city.
'Scotland said No to apartheid - no to a negative thing - no to poverty and pain, no to the separation between rich and poor and we can, Scotland, say no to this separation from the United Kingdom.'
Mr Darling was led into the hall, packed with hundreds of No supporters, by a lone piper and stood alongside Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie.
One supporter shouted 'we love you' as Mr Darling stood to speak.
He said: 'Imagine if you woke up on Friday morning to find that the country had voted for separation, how will you feel?' There were boos and cries of 'sick!' from the audience. 

ALISTAIR DARLING: This is our only chance to save the UK - we have to seize it for the sake of our future

Plea: Alistair Darling has made a last-ditch appeal to Scottish voters to oppose independence in tomorrow's referendum
Plea: Alistair Darling has made a last-ditch appeal to Scottish voters to oppose independence in tomorrow's referendum
This is it. Here we are. After two years of campaigning, criss-crossing the length and breadth of Scotland, only 24 hours remain before we make the biggest political decision of our lives.
The only question to ask yourself before you go to the polling booth is do you know what will happen if Scotland decides to break away from the UK. I certainly don’t.
Day in, day out, I have asked Alex Salmond questions. I have asked him what currency Scotland will use, who will pay Scotland’s pensions, if there will be a new border, if Scotland will be a member of the European Union. And if Scotland will be a member of Nato.
He has no answers. The campaign trail is littered with unanswered questions. Mr Salmond bluffs and blusters, he make assertions. And now, for the third time in this campaign, this week we find he has been deceiving us on, of all things, our National Health Service. It has been some saga.
First of all, he told us David Cameron could privatise the health service in Scotland. That is not true. Responsibility for health care in Scotland is completely devolved to the Scottish parliament. Mr Salmond is, in fact, the only person in Scotland who could privatise the health service.
Then we find the Scottish parliament is spending less than its budget allocation on health, so as health spending goes up in the rest of the UK, in Scotland it goes down.
Scotland’s spending priorities are decided at Holyrood, nowhere else. They could improve the NHS; they could invest more in the NHS; but they don’t. Instead, they have spent less on health in Government than their counterparts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, we now find health boards throughout Scotland are facing draconian cuts of around £450million. We were not meant to know until Friday, the day after Scotland went to the polls, but thanks to a leaked report we know now.
It is not a report drawn up by politicians, but by finance directors and Scottish Government officials.
How dare Mr Salmond try to deceive us, to let us vote on a false prospectus. But we should not be surprised. He has a track record.
When asked if he sought legal advice on Scotland joining the EU, he said he had. He spent taxpayers’ money going to court to stop the publication of that advice and then we found it didn’t exist in the first place.
And then, only last month, the Bank of England took the unprecedented step of publicly denying SNP claims that they had discussed plans for a currency union. The Bank said there had been no such talks.
I have been accused of scaremongering. It is not scaremongering to tell the truth. I don’t think it is scaremongering to ask questions. I think it is my patriotic duty.
Every pensioner in Scotland deserves to know how their pension will be paid. They need to know it will be safe.
At the moment, the UK guarantees the pensions throughout the UK. The costs are spread across 60million people. If Scotland breaks away, Scottish pensioners will be dependent on five million people in Scotland.
Debate: Mr Darling has repeatedly clashed with Alex Salmond over Scotland's plans for independence
Debate: Mr Darling has repeatedly clashed with Alex Salmond over Scotland's plans for independence
Head-to-head: The two rivals were interviewed by Andrew Marr in Edinburgh on Sunday
Head-to-head: The two rivals were interviewed by Andrew Marr in Edinburgh on Sunday

In the next few years, Scotland will have a bigger proportion of retirement age inhabitants and fewer people working than in other parts of the UK.
No matter how you look at it, the circle is hard to square. Where will the money come from?
Alex Salmond has said the SNP would be willing to pay pensions to people earlier if the UK breaks up. The independent experts at the Institute of Fiscal Studies have said a separate Scotland would face extra cuts of £6billion. That’s equivalent to nearly the entire pensions budget at present – far less unfunded promises in the future.
Whatever decision is made tomorrow, there is no going back. It is irreversible. Whatever the outcome, we can’t change our minds.
I hear people say this referendum is a battle between head and heart. Well, believe me, my head says No. But my heart says No too. For Scotland’s sake, for the sake of my children and their children.
Voting No does not mean there will be No change. All three main parties have pledged to deliver more powers for Scotland. It makes sense to give Scottish people control over our own daily lives while relying on the UK to secure the defence, prosperity and welfare of every citizen.
Down to the wire: The polls are almost tied in the independence referendum with just a day to go
Down to the wire: The polls are almost tied in the independence referendum with just a day to go
Scots have made a tremendous contribution to the UK’s success. We faced down fascism in the Second World War, standing alone for many months; we founded and built the most socially just health service in the world; and the UK had the strength to withstand the financial crash that crippled other countries.
If we stay together, the NHS will be safer, our pensions will be more secure, our schools, further education colleges and universities will be protected and there will be greater employment opportunities for our children and our grandchildren.
These are the issues I care about, and I believe the majority of Scots do too.
Most serious businessmen and women in Scotland want to stay in the UK. That is simply because they know what is best for business and what is best for jobs in Scotland.
Scotland sells twice as much to the rest of the UK as it does to the rest of the world. Around one million jobs in Scotland are linked directly to trade with the rest of the UK.
Passion: A pro-independence rally in central Glasgow today attracted a large crowd
Passion: A pro-independence rally in central Glasgow today attracted a large crowd
Our shipbuilders want to stay within the UK because they know the UK Government will not commission ships in a foreign land. Our farmers want to stay within the UK because they know their biggest market is in England.
Our manufacturers want to stay in the UK because anything getting in the way of trade, such as borders and different tax regimes, is bad for them.
Everyone’s vote tomorrow is crucial. It’s not like a normal election, where it only counts in your constituency. Scotland is one big constituency, so every vote counts the same.
Don’t let the Nationalists tell you otherwise. And don’t let them intimidate you either. They’ll try and make out that somehow a No vote is a vote against Scotland.
Over the last few weeks, some of their extremists have been too eager to throw around words such as ‘traitor’, ‘quisling’ and ‘slave’. Well, they won’t bully me. Don’t let them bully you either.
I don’t want anyone who wants us to stay in the UK to wake up on Friday morning, to turn on the TV or the radio and realise they’ve forgotten to act.
By then, it will be too late. A single vote could decide this referendum. One more for Yes than No and that’s it – the 307-year-old Union will end.
There is no second chance, no rewind button, no point complaining we didn’t know. This is our only chance.
So please act. I’m not exaggerating when I say Thursday is probably the most important day of our democratic lives.
From 7am until 10pm, Scotland and the UK will be in limbo, and everything which we have built over these past three centuries will hang in the balance.
For the sake of future generations, we should vote No tomorrow.

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