Thursday, September 18, 2014

Third British hostage appears in shocking new ISIS propaganda video urging UK to negotiate with terror group

A third British hostage has appeared in a new Islamic State propaganda video just a day after more than 100 Muslim leaders pleaded with the terror group to release another UK aid worker.  
The video, which has not been independently verified, shows journalist John Cantlie sat alone in a dark room wearing a baggy orange short-sleeved t-shirt.
His voice is clear and calm as he addresses the camera in a slickly-edited propaganda video that is markedly different to footage released by the jihadi militants in recent weeks.
Appearing to read from a script, Mr Cantlie says that he came to Syria in November 2012, where he was subsequently kidnapped by the Islamic State group.

Hostage: British journalist John Cantlie sits alone at a desk in a darkened room in a slickly-edited propaganda video released today by the Islamic State
His voice is clear and calm as he addresses the camera in a slickly-edited propaganda video that is markedly different to footage released by the jihadi militants in recent weeks
His voice is clear and calm as he addresses the camera in a slickly-edited propaganda video that is markedly different to footage released by the jihadi militants in recent weeks
He is the third Briton known to have been captured by the Islamic State. The extremists have already posted a video online that shows the beheading of aid worker David Haines - and they have threatened to kill Alan Henning, who was captured by the group last December.
It is believed that more than 20 foreign nationals are being held hostage by the Islamic State.
It is the second time that Mr Cantlie was kidnapped while working in the country. He and a Dutch photographer were captured in July 2012 while covering the civil war between President Assad's army and rebel fighters. 
After one failed escape attempt in which both men were shot, they were later able to flee with the help of the Free Syrian Army. 
The ordeal left Mr Cantlie with nerve damage in his left arm and limited movement in his fingers. 
Identifying himself in the video as a journalist who worked for 'some of the bigger newspapers' in the UK, Mr Cantlie criticises the war on the Islamic State and says that he and other British and U.S. hostages have been abandoned by their governments.
He remains calm as he says that he has 'nothing to lose' before adding 'maybe I will live and maybe I will die'. At one point he makes a gun gesture at his head.
Entitled 'Lend me Your ears,' the three-minute long video is previewed as the first in a series of 'programmes' in which Cantlie says he will reveal 'the truth' about the Islamic State. 

The claim suggests that the group will release further videos of the British hostage. It is not known when the clip, which was released by the group's media arm, Al-Furqan, was filmed.
The lecture-style video is different than brutal footage released by the jihadi group, which showed a masked militant beheading other hostages.
Unlike the group's previous videos, no Islamic State fighters appear alongside Mr Cantlie. He is also seen sitting at a table in a darkened room, rather than outside in the desert. 
Mr Cantlie, pictured in June 2012, and a Dutch photographer were captured in July 2012 while covering the civil war between President Assad's army and rebel fighters
Mr Cantlie, pictured in June 2012, and a Dutch photographer were captured in July 2012 while covering the civil war between President Assad's army and rebel fighters

It is the second time that Mr Cantlie has been held as a hostage in Syria. In July 2012, Mr Cantlie was held for a week by Islamic extremists along with Dutch photographer Jeroen Oerlemans.  
Mr Cantlie and his colleague were captured while they were covering the civil war between President Assad's army and rebel fighters.
The two men were kidnapped when they went to a camp they had previously visited - just two miles from the Turkish border - that they thought belonged to the Free Syrian Army.
But the men weren't Syrians. They were jihadists who had travelled to the country hoping to overthrow the regime and establish an Islamist state.
Some of them spoke English with British accents. About nine of the men in the camp had London accents - and two could not speak any Arabic.
One of the men who had come from the UK accused the journalists of being spies - but Mr Cantlie later said there was another British man, a trained doctor, who treated the captives humanely.
Mr Cantlie later said that the man was planning to return to his senior post in a South London A&E department. 
When Mr Cantlie tried to escape on the second of his seven days in captivity, one of those who opened fire was British, wounding him in the elbow and his Dutch friend in the leg. 
He was later treated by the doctor, who was using a clearly labelled NHS medical kit.
Escaped: Mr Cantlie, pictured after he fled Syria in 2012, and his Dutch colleague Jeroen Oerlemans werewere kidnapped when they went to a camp they had previously visited, unaware that terrorists had taken it over
Escaped: Mr Cantlie, pictured after he fled Syria in 2012, and his Dutch colleague Jeroen Oerlemans were kidnapped when they went to a camp they had previously visited, unaware that terrorists had taken it over
When asked his name, he told the captives: ‘Just call me the doctor – I’m the only one here.’
The medic, who said he was 28 and had a wife and child in Britain, was also among the leaders of a group who were planning to behead ‘spies’ and was furious when the execution of two Syrians he believed to be undercover agents was halted. 
Speaking at the time, Mr Cantlie told the Daily Mail of his British captor: ‘When he told me he was an NHS doctor, I thought it was weird.
‘This is a man who has taken an oath to save people and help them, and here he is walking around with a Kalashnikov and preaching sharia law. There are not any doctors who I know that do that.
‘He clearly believed in what he was doing but to follow something to that extreme is the disturbing thing. He was visibly upset when the execution was called off.’
In a macabre twist, the doctor, who spoke in a South London accent and kept his face covered with sunglasses and a scarf – said he was glad of the experience in Syria as when he returned to Britain as he wanted to specialise in trauma injuries.
Mr Cantlie added: ‘He said treating jihadists wounded in battle was good training and had a pack of gauzes, medicine, IV drips and medical gear. 
‘As he treated the gunshot wound in my arm, he clearly knew what he was doing. He was very well-trained.’ 
He said of the doctor: ‘I asked for his help as we were both from London but he refused to even send a text to my girlfriend to say we were alive. He said he would be beheaded if he did.
‘He said, “I can’t be in here too long because the other guys say I’m too nice to you”.’ 
‘He stabilised Jeroen with saline drips, that had NHS logos, gave him antibiotics and stitched his wound. His assistant, another Londoner, bandaged my wounds. This guy had shot at me as we tried to escape. 
The next day, to Mr Cantlie’s horror, he saw a trestle table being erected and heard knives being sharpened, but later learned these were for two Syrians who were eventually spared after repenting and promising to follow sharia law.
Throughout his ordeal, Mr Cantlie was kept handcuffed in a tent. On one occasion he heard the doctor on the phone to his family. 
Both photographers eventually managed to escape from the camp in Northern Syria with the help of the Free Syrian Army, the rebels fighting Assad's forces. 
Speaking after his return to the UK, Mr Cantlie, who suffered nerve damage in his left arm and now has only limited movement in his fingers, said he was still eager to return to Syria to report on the war despite his traumatic experience.
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He said: ‘I am itching to get back out there. The only thing stopping me is my cameras, as I lost them out there and need to buy some more.’
Jihadists: An undated file image posted on a militant website shows fighters from the Islamic State marching in the terror stronghold of Raqqa in Syria
Jihadists: An undated file image posted on a militant website shows fighters from the Islamic State marching in the terror stronghold of Raqqa in Syria
In November 2012, Mr Cantlie decided to go back to Syria to continue his reporting from the warzone - and some of his photographs from that trip appeared in a Sunday Telegraph article. It was during this trip that Mr Cantlie was abducted.
Nothing was publicly heard of Mr Cantlie after that date until the release of the latest video by the IS fighters. 
In Copenhagen today, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the Islamic State group 'is not just a threat to the stability of the Middle East region but to all of us in our homelands.'
Asked about the video, he told reporters that he had heard about it but has not yet seen it.
'Obviously we'll look very closely at any material that's been released on the Internet,' he said, declining further comment. 
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told the BBC the Foreign Office would examine the video to 'look at its origins and check its veracity'.
He said an international effort would squeeze the Islamic State 'out of existence'.
He added: 'I don't think we need any reminding of what an odious and barbaric movement Isil is.
'They call themselves Islamic State, (but) they are nothing to do with Islam, which is a peace-loving religion, they are certainly not a state, it's just a murderous medieval terrorist outfit.
The video of John Cantlie emerged just days after British aid worker Alan Henning, pictured, appeared in footage released by the terror group
The video of John Cantlie emerged just days after British aid worker Alan Henning, pictured, appeared in footage released by the terror group
He added: 'Their methods are cynical, they are violent, they are brutal and I think it is right that the world will be coming together next week at the United Nations' general assembly, which will be a very important get together for world leaders, to really decide how the world co-operates together in support of the legitimate governments in the region in order to, bit by bit, dismantle and squeeze Isil out of existence.'
It comes just a day after more than 100 Muslim leaders signed a statement begging the jihadi group to release British aid worker Alan Henning.
The Islamic State, which controls territory in Syria and Iraq, has already beheaded two American journalists and one British aid worker in recent weeks in what it said was reprisal for U.S. air strikes against the group in Iraq.
Mr Henning is currently facing death at the hands of ISIS's British executioner 'Jihadi John' and was paraded before the cameras in a video of fellow hostage David Haines's murder.
Dozens of Imams from around the UK criticised the terror group as 'monsters' for the brutal murder of Mr Haines and insisted killing Mr Henning would be 'un-Islamic'. 
U.S. President Barack Obama has been trying to build an international coalition to destroy Islamic State, a militant group which has exploited the chaos of Syria and Iraq's conflict to seize swathes of territories in both countries.
The United States has already carried out scores of air strikes against the group in Iraq and Obama said in a policy speech he would not hesitate to strike it in Syria as well.


'Hello. My name is John Cantlie. I am a British journalist who used to work for some of the bigger newspapers and magazines in the UK including the Sunday Times, The Sun and the Sunday Telegraph.
'In November 2012, I came to Syria where I was subsequently captured by the Islamic State.
'Now nearly two years later, many things have changed including the expansion of the Islamic State to include large areas of eastern Syria and western Iraq, a land mass bigger than Britain and many other nations.
'Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: he's only doing this because he's a prisoner.
'He's got a gun at his head and he's being forced to do this.
'Right? Well, it's true. I am prisoner. That, I cannot deny.
'But seeing as I've been abandoned by my government and my fate now lies in the hands of the Islamic State, I have nothing to lose. Maybe I will live and maybe I will die.
'But I want to take this opportunity to convey some facts that you can verify.
'Facts that, if you contemplate, might help in preserving lives.
'Over the next few programmes, I'm going to show you the truth as the Western media tries to drag the public back to the abyss of another war with the Islamic State.
'After two disastrous and hugely unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, why is it that our governments appear so keen to get involved in yet another unwinnable conflict?
'I'm going to show you the truth behind the systems and motivation of the Islamic and how the Western media, the very organisation I used to work for, can twist and manipulate that truth for the public back back home.
'There are two sides to every story. Think you're getting the whole picture?
'And I'll show you the truth behind what happened when many European citizens were imprisoned and later release by the Islamic State and how the British and American governments thought they could do it differently to every other European country.
'They negotiated with the Islamic State and got their people home while the British and Americans were left behind.
'It's very alarming to see where this is all headed.
'And it looks like history repeating itself - yet again.
'There is time to change this seemingly inevitable sequence of events, but only if you, the public, act now.
'Join me for the next few programmes and I think you may be surprised at what you learn.'


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