Friday, September 19, 2014

What now for Scotland? Salmond demands Westminster hands over new powers within six months but can the country heal the bitter divisions exposed by the referendum campaign?

Alex Salmond today gave Westminster six months to agree sweeping new powers for Holyrood after two million Scots crushed his dream of independence by voting ‘No’ to separation.
The First Minister said he accepted that a majority had decided 'at this stage' not to become an independent country.
But he said David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg needed to honour their 11th hour promise to transfer powers to Scotland by March next year.
However the timetable for extra devolution was thrown into doubt today amid continuing disagreement between Tory and Labour MPs over the impact on England.
The Prime Minister, speaking outside No 10 this morning, promised that the Scottish Parliament would be given sweeping new control over tax, spending and welfare.

But he said, in return, Scottish MPs must not be allowed to vote on English matters in Westminster. Mr Cameron said the new deal for England would be worked through ‘in tandem’ with the transfer of new powers to Scotland. 

First Minister Alex Salmond was today forced to admit defeat in his battle for Scottish independence, as 55 per cent of people voted to remain part of the United Kingdom
Mr Salmond said he would accept the result, but added that majority of people in Scotland had 'decided not at this stage to become an independent country'
First Minister Alex Salmond was today forced to admit defeat in his battle for Scottish independence, as 55 per cent of people voted to remain part of the United Kingdom
Commons leader William Hague will lead a review of how the new constitutional settlement will work but said it was ‘inconceivable to continue to allow Scottish members to vote on everything that is happening in England when English members can’t vote on so much of what is happening in Scotland’.
But Mr Cameron’s decision to take on ‘English votes for English matters’ threatens to derail Gordon Brown’s ‘rapid’ timetable for devolution.
The former Prime Minister said new powers could be voted on in the Commons by March next year. Mr Salmond this morning said Scotland expected the new deal to be agreed by this date.
However, Conservative and Labour MPs are at odds over how the new settlement will work, throwing the future of Scottish devolution into doubt.
Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander today accused the Prime Minister of a ‘fairly knee-jerk reaction which ... may well have been driven more by politics than by a considered judgment of the needs of the constitution’.
Former Conservative minister Owen Paterson said Parliament needed to take ‘a long deep breath’. He said: ‘There is absolutely no rush.’
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said enhanced devolution for Scotland would not come into force until after the next election.
He said the Government would legislate ‘at the very beginning of the new Parliament next summer’. He added: ‘We are not rushing this in the next few weeks.’ 
With all councils declared, No secured 55 per cent of the vote, a 10-point lead which will trigger speculation about whether Mr Salmond can survive as leader of the Scottish Nationalists. 

The pound rose sharply and the FTSE 100 Index is expected to follow suit in a relief rally for markets after Scotland's rejection of independence. 
The Queen has been 'closely' monitoring the outcome of the vote, and is expected to issue a public statement welcoming the survival of the 307-year Union later today.  
Speaking outside Downing Street this morning Mr Cameron said Scotland had had its say and it was now time to listen to the 'millions of voices of England'.
He said it was 'crucial' to give England the same powers over tax, spending and welfare as Scotland.
He pledged to make this happen at the same time as devolving powers to Scotland, following his last minute pledge for further devolution during the referendum campaign.
Mr Cameron said: 'The people of Scotland have spoken. It is a clear result. They have kept our country of four nations together. Like millions of other people, I am delighted.'
He said it was now time for the United Kingdom 'to come together and to move forward'.
Mr Cameron said: 'A vital part of that will be a balanced settlement – fair to people in Scotland and importantly to everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well.'
He added: 'It is absolutely right that a new and fair settlement for Scotland should be accompanied by a new and fair settlement that applies to all parts of our United Kingdom.
'We have heard the voice of Scotland - and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard. 
'The question of English votes for English laws – the so-called West Lothian question –requires a decisive answer.
'So, just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare so too England, as well as Wales and Northern Ireland, should be able to vote on these issues and all this must take place in tandem with, and at the same pace as, the settlement for Scotland.' 
Prime Minister David Cameron this morning welcomed the referendum result - but said now is the time to listen to the voices of England
Prime Minister David Cameron this morning welcomed the referendum result - but said now is the time to listen to the voices of England
Scotland’s Finance Minister John Swinney admitted English devolution complicated the challenge of more powers for the Scottish Parliament.
But he insisted the timetable offered to Scottish voters during the election campaign had to be stuck to.
He said: ‘The timetable that was set out to the people of Scotland was that there would be a second reading of a bill in the UK parliament by the end of March 2015. That has to be stuck to, that was set out by the UK political parties, that was the basis of the proposition that was put to them and that’s what should be honoured.
‘I hope we’re not hearing the sounds of the goalposts being shifted. A timetable was set out for the people of Scotland – in good faith people made a judgment that they preferred that timetable to voting for independence and securing all of the powers. In good faith the UK government and the UK political parties have got to stick to that timetable.
‘Undoubtedly [English devolution] makes the challenge more complicated but we just had a referendum in Scotland in which the UK political parties said if you vote No, you’ll get swifter, faster change, more significant powers in a devolved parliament. The majority endorsed that position and that’s what should be delivered now. 
Scottish separatists were roundly defeated in one of the most extraordinary political battles in British history. 
No racked up 2,001,924 with Yes on 1,616,989. It marks a remarkable come back for the Better Together campaign, which was rocked by an opinion poll 10 days ago putting the Yes campaign ahead.
Total turnout was 84.5 per cent - topping 90 per cent in pro-Union areas, but in the key working-class areas where Yes needed big wins, turnout dropped to the mid-70s.
In the early hours, Mr Salmond shunned the cameras to board a private jet from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, contemplating the comprehensive failure of his efforts to destroy the 307-year-old Union.
But in a message posted on Twitter he praised the city of Glasgow, one of the few places to vote in favour of independence, and 'the people of Scotland for such a incredible support'. 
He hoped to triumph in one of the most extraordinary political battles in British history, but the determination of the people of Scotland means the United Kingdom remains in tact, and Mr Salmond faces the grim prospect of being forced out of office.  
But if he does plan to fall on his sword, he gave no hint of it during his statement at the Our Dynamic Earth centre in Edinburgh. 
Suggesting he thought the issue of Scottish independence could be resurrected, he said: 'It is important to say that our referendum was an agreed and consented process and Scotland has by a majority decided not at this stage to become an independent country.
'I accept that verdict of the people and I call on all of Scotland to follow suit in accepting the democratic verdict of the people of Scotland.' 
Turnout has topped 90 per cent in pro-Union areas, but in the key working-class areas where Yes needed big wins, turnout dropped to the mid-70s.
Mr Cameron will seek to exploit the result with an early morning television address today, holding out the prospect of Scottish MPs being excluded from voting on English affairs.
A large crowd of Yes supporters gathered in George Square in Glasgow as the polls closed, waving Saltires and burning flares.
But as the result pointed to a No vote, the carnival atmosphere subsided, many drifted home, with the police apprehending a few involved in scuffles.  
Leader of the Better Together campaign, Alistair Darling, said Scotland had chosen 'positive change, rather than needless separation'
Leader of the Better Together campaign, Alistair Darling, said Scotland had chosen 'positive change, rather than needless separation'
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon refused to admit defeat while there were still outstanding results to come, but her face at the count in Glasgow showed how the evening had gone from moment of celebration to bitter acceptance of the voters' rejection
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon refused to admit defeat while there were still outstanding results to come, but her face at the count in Glasgow showed how the evening had gone from moment of celebration to bitter acceptance of the voters' rejection
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon refused to admit defeat while there were still outstanding results to come, but her face at the count in Glasgow showed how the evening had gone from moment of celebration to bitter acceptance of the voters' rejection
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon refused to admit defeat while there were still outstanding results to come, but her face at the count in Glasgow showed how the evening had gone from moment of celebration to bitter acceptance of the voters' rejection
A pro-union supporter bursts into tears of relief as fellow No campaigners cheer welcoming the results as Scotland rejects separation
A pro-union supporter bursts into tears of relief as fellow No campaigners cheer welcoming the results as Scotland rejects separation
As Mr Salmond's supporters faced the grim prospect of defeat, the Better Together party in Glasgow was in full swing as the results pointed to a convincing victory for the pro-Union movement
As Mr Salmond's supporters faced the grim prospect of defeat, the Better Together party in Glasgow was in full swing as the results pointed to a convincing victory for the pro-Union movement
No Thanks: Better Together supporters react to the early results being announced at Ingliston, Edinburgh. 
Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill MSP, reacts to the early results being announced at Ingliston, Edinburgh, as the hour approaches for the final Scottish referendum outcome on independence. Sept 19 2014
A Better Together supporter smiles as the early results are announced at Ingliston, Edinburgh. Right, Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill MSP has a different reaction
A 'No' campaigner enjoys a nap after a long night. Voter turnout topped 88 per cent in pro-Union areas, but in the key working-class areas where Yes needed big wins, turnout dropped to the mid-70s
A 'No' campaigner enjoys a nap after a long night. Voter turnout topped 88 per cent in pro-Union areas, but in the key working-class areas where Yes needed big wins, turnout dropped to the mid-70s
Cheers! No campaigners at the Better Together rally in Glasgow celebrate the news that Clackmannanshire, a favourite to vote Yes, had instead rejected independence by 54 per cent to 46 per cent
Cheers! No campaigners at the Better Together rally in Glasgow celebrate the news that Clackmannanshire, a favourite to vote Yes, had instead rejected independence by 54 per cent to 46 per cent
Not celebrating too soon: As some Better Together campaigners held beer and wine, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander was more serious
Celebration: Some Better Together campaigners held beer and wine
Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander declared the no campaign was on course to secure 55 per cent of the vote, giving Better Together something to celebrate at the Marriot Hotel in Glasgow
Pro-union supporters celebrate as Scottish independence referendum results are announced at a 'Better Together' event in Glasgow
Pro-union supporters celebrate as Scottish independence referendum results are announced at a 'Better Together' event in Glasgow
It was a good start for the Better Together campaigners, who saw Clackmannanshire go their way despite previous beliefs it would provide a Yes vote
It was a good start for the Better Together campaigners, who saw Clackmannanshire go their way despite previous beliefs it would provide a Yes vote
The message No is scrawled in chalk over a Yes plea on a building on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh following Scotland's decision to stay as part of Great Britain
The message No is scrawled in chalk over a Yes plea on a building on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh following Scotland's decision to stay as part of Great Britain
A voter walks over a discarded Yes campaign leaflet on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh after the majority of Scots backed the Better Together camp, voting No to separation 
A voter walks over a discarded Yes campaign leaflet on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh after the majority of Scots backed the Better Together camp, voting No to separation 


The pound has soared in city markets following the result of yesterday's independence referendum.
Fifty-five per cent of voters rejected breaking away from the union after leading Scottish businesses and banks warned of the dangers of an independent economy in which the certainty of keeping the pound was shaky.
This morning however its value had increased after the Royal Bank of Scotland confirmed it would not be moving its headquarters south of the border in light of the result.
Sterling climbed to 1.65 against the dollar, a two-week high, and to 1.28 against the euro, a 24-month high, today while stocks in companies based in Scotland or with strong links to the country also rose, with RBS up 14.7p to 371.9p.
Lloyds Banking Group, which owns Bank of Scotland, lifted 1.4p to 77.3p while Scottish based energy firm SSE rose 25.5p to 1546.5p, and Babcock International, which has defence interests in Scotland, was up 26.5p to 1091.5p.
A spokesman for RBS said: 'Following the result it is business as usual for all our customers across the UK and RBS.' 
Officials in the Glasgow have launched an investigation into 10 cases of suspected electoral fraud at polling stations. 
With all 32 councils declared, the No campaign secured 55 per cent of the vote.
The No campaign built an insurmountable lead with big wins in places like Dumfries and Galloway, Edinburgh, Clackmannanshire and Aberdeenshire, in Mr Salmond's own backyard. 
The Yes campaign scored notable wins in Dundee, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire but it failed to take sufficient votes across the country. 
As the scale of the drubbing became clear in the early hours, Mr Salmond abandoned plans to go to the count in Aberdeen, and instead boarded a private jet to Edinburgh.
Shortly after 6.20am in the capital city, he delivered an emergency statement under a One Scotland banner to insist the cause of independence had been furthered by the campaign.
Mr Salmond said: 'It is important to say that our referendum was an agreed and consented process and Scotland has by a majority decided not, at this stage, to become an independent country.
'I accept that verdict of the people and I call on all of Scotland to follow suit in accepting the democratic verdict of the people of Scotland.'
He said 45 per cent – or around 1.6 million votes - is a 'substantial vote for Scottish independence and the future of this country'.
He challenged Westminster parties to deliver on their rushed promises, made during the campaign when Yes moved ahead in the polls, to devolve more powers to the Holyrood Parliament.
'Scotland will expect these to be honoured in rapid course - as a reminder, we have been promised a second reading of a Scotland Bill by March 27 next year,' he said.
'Today of all days as we bring Scotland together, let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen short, let us dwell on the distance we have travelled and have confidence the movement is abroad in Scotland that will take this nation forward and we shall go forward as one nation.' 
He added on Twitter: 'Well done to Glasgow, our commonwealth city, and to the people of Scotland for such a incredible support.'
More than 4.2million people were registered to vote, and record numbers turned out until polling stations closes at 10pm. 
As the night wore on and the No votes piled in, it all got a bit too much for this lone Yes campaigner in George Square as she sat exhausted, draped in a Saltire
As the night wore on and the No votes piled in, it all got a bit too much for this lone Yes campaigner in George Square as she sat exhausted, draped in a Saltire
A pro-Independence supporter sits with her head in her hands, while another glumly folds his arms, pictured in Edinburgh
A pro-Independence supporter sits with her head in her hands, while another glumly folds his arms, pictured in Edinburgh
Disappointed Yes voters in Glasgow appear shocked at the outcome of the historic referendum on Scottish independence
Disappointed Yes voters in Glasgow appear shocked at the outcome of the historic referendum on Scottish independence
As the results came in throughout the night, the mood of 'Yes' campaigners - so jubilant at the start of the night - began to sour
As the results came in throughout the night, the mood of 'Yes' campaigners - so jubilant at the start of the night - began to sour
Distraught supporters of Alex Salmond's One Scotland campaign react to their nation's decision to stay as part of the United Kingdom
Distraught supporters of Alex Salmond's One Scotland campaign react to their nation's decision to stay as part of the United Kingdom
As the grim results began to emerge throughout the night, Mr Salmond was nowhere to be seen. 
In a bombshell first result, Clackmannanshire - rated by Credit Suisse as the most likely to vote Yes - dramatically rejected independence by 54 per cent to 46 per cent.
The No campaign secured stronger than expected results in places like Edinburgh and Dumfries & Galloway. 
At the same time, efforts by the Yes campaign to woo Labour and working class voters in Glasgow and western Scotland failed to secure the thumping majorities needed. 
Mr Salmond had been expected at the count for his Aberdeenshire constituency but pulled out amid speculation the No campaign has triumphed in his own backyard.
He left it to his deputy Nicola Sturgeon to face the cameras and publicly acknowledge the SNP's defeat.
She told STV: 'I think there are very, very strong messages for the political class in Scotland and messages we need to heed.


Ten cases of suspected electoral fraud are being investigated in Glasgow. 
The City Council said police had been called earlier today.
They said it related to possible cases of impersonation, where people pretend to be someone else, cast the vote, then the real person turned up to vote.
Stewart Hosie, SNP Treasury spokesman at Westminster, said it was 'very sad that people feel the need to engage in any kind of impersonation'.
He told Sky News: 'I think that's a daft thing to do.
'The ballot papers have been identified, they will be taken away and fingerprinted, the police will do their job and I'm sure whoever has done it will be caught and sentenced.'
'This campaign has been a joy to be part of, it's quite unlike anything I've ever been part of in my life before.' 
She added: 'If there is not a Yes vote tonight, I am deeply disappointed. As have thousands and thousands of others, I have given my heart and soul to this campaign but what has been amazing are the number of people who have never been involved in politics before, who have never campaigned as part of a political movement before, who have got involved.
'We must harness that, we must build on that. It's one aspect that leads me to say this country will never be the same.
'I'm disappointed if we don't come out of this evening with a Yes vote, I'm not trying to spin my way out of that... I'll be deeply disappointed personally as well as politically but I can't deny the fact I am also exhilarated by this campaign.' 
Mr Cameron revealed on Twitter that he had spoken to Better Together leader Alistair Darling 'and congratulated him on a well-fought campaign'. 
In his victory speech at a part in Glasgow, Mr Darling told jubilant supporters: 'The people of Scotland have spoken. We have chosen unity over division and positive change rather than needless separation.
'Today is a momentous result for Scotland and also for the United Kingdom as a whole.
'By confirming our place within the Union, we have reaffirmed all that we have in common and the bonds that tie us together. Let them never be broken.'
He vowed to work with political leaders to deliver on the increased powers promised to Scotland if voters rejected independence.  
Mr Cameron used a speech in Downing Street to set out radical plans to hand more control on tax, spending and welfare to Holyrood, with legislation rushed out by January.
But he also vowed to use the opportunity to secure English votes for English laws, raising the prospect of Scottish MPs being excluded from voting on English-only matters – a key demand of many Conservatives.
The Prime Minister said: 'We have heard the voice of Scotland - and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard.
'The question of English votes for English laws – the so-called West Lothian question –requires a decisive answer.
'So, just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare so too England, as well as Wales and Northern Ireland, should be able to vote on these issues and all this must take place in tandem with, and at the same pace as, the settlement for Scotland.'  
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was in Edinburgh this morning where he enjoyed a celebratory breakfast with Scottish Liberal Democrat campaigners 
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was in Edinburgh this morning where he enjoyed a celebratory breakfast with Scottish Liberal Democrat campaigners 
Labour leader Ed Miliband today welcomed Scotland's decision to remain as part of the UK, but said now it is time to 'change our country'
Labour leader Ed Miliband today welcomed Scotland's decision to remain as part of the UK, but said now it is time to 'change our country'
Young 'Yes' supporters take a nap on their Saltires as the long night wears on
Young 'Yes' supporters take a nap on their Saltires as the long night wears on
Tory chief whip Michael Gove told Sky News that Mr Cameron would fulfil his promise of extra powers for Scotland - but that the rest of Britain would need 'enhanced' rights too.
'I think he will be anxious to ensure that after this referendum campaign, we can bring the United Kingdom together,' he said.
'That means of course recognising that Scotland needs enhanced devolution and there has been an effort to ensure Scotland gets additional powers for its Parliament.'
But, he said, the rest of the UK - the 'majority of the United Kingdom', as he called it - needed its rights enhanced too and 'English voters' had to be protected. 
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said he was 'absolutely delighted the Scottish people have taken this momentous decision to safeguard our family of nations for future generations'.
'In a dangerous and uncertain world I have no doubt we are stronger, safer, and more prosperous together than we ever could be apart.'
But he said the campaign had also led to demand for constitutional reform in England as well.
'So this referendum marks not only a new chapter for Scotland within the UK but also wider constitutional reform across the Union,' he added.  
Labour leader Ed Miliband called for moves to 'change the country' after securing the Union.
He said: 'The last few weeks have been about keeping our country together. The next eight months are about how we change our country together. 
'We need a party that can speak for the whole of the United Kingdom, for every part of the United Kingdom, for every set of people in the United Kingdom.
'There is a party that can do that and that's the Labour Party.
'This is our responsibility in the months ahead. Let us be able to tell our children, to tell our grandchildren, that we did not just keep our country together, we changed our country together.' 
Contrasting scenes show the agony and ectasy seen across the nation as the results confirmed a victory for the union
Dejected 'Yes' supporters trudge away after listening to Alex Salmond's  early morning speech
Dejected 'Yes' supporters trudge away after listening to Alex Salmond's early morning speech
A beautiful sunrise turns the sky pink above the statue of Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn hails a new dawn for Scotland
A beautiful sunrise turns the sky pink above the statue of Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn hails a new dawn for Scotland
Scottish Labour MP Douglas Alexander told Sky News: 'I've never been more proud of my nation'.
He added: 'There needs to start today a process of reconciliation. Our challenge is to bring our nation together and bring our nation forward.'
He said Westminster now had to 'listen carefully' not to the victors but to those who had voted Yes, because they had a 'legitimate interest' in Scotland's fortunes.  
Sir Malcolm Bruce, Liberal Democrat MP for Gordon, said: 'The point about this area is that it's Alex Salmond's backyard and his basic proposition has been overwhelmingly rejected here in Aberdeenshire, which I think will have implications.' 
Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael hit out at the Yes campaign which had been 'quite in your face'. He told Sky News: 'I have had people coming to me on the doorstep and in the streets saying, whispering almost, 'I'm voting No, I'm on your side'.
'What we have got now is a timetable that makes it clear the extra powers we all know the Scottish Parliament needs to finish the process of devolution, which then unlocks the door to constitutional reform across the whole of the United Kingdom, will definitely be delivered.'
But Scottish Socialist Party spokesman Colin Fox, a key figure in Yes Scotland, said tonight's result looks likely to be 'independence deferred'.
Turnout in many parts of Scotland has been very high, with some traditionally Tory areas thought to have hit as much as 97 per cent. Early results showed turnout in Orkney was 83.7 per cent, Renfrewshire was 87.3 per cent and in Clackmannanshire it hit 88.6 per cent.
The Shetland Islands voted No by 9,951 votes to 5,669, as there were rumours Edinburgh had voted No by more than 60 per cent.
Mr Salmond's political career has built to this moment, but the fate of his nationalist dream appears to have been sealed by a late surge in support for the No campaign.
He was all smiles on the campaign trail on Thursday, posing for selfies and even kissing dogs in his Aberdeenshire constituency.
As counting continued, Mr Salmond tweeted: 'This has been a remarkable day. Scotland's future truly is in Scotland's hands.'
But with early indications suggesting the No vote - which has been ahead in almost every opinion poll of the campaign - was on course for victory, SNP aides pulled the plug on the visit.  
'No' supporters celebrate their win over the 'Yes' campaign at the Royal Highland centre. But Scottish Socialist Party spokesman Colin Fox, a key figure in Yes Scotland, said tonight's result looks likely to be 'independence deferred'
'No' supporters celebrate their win over the 'Yes' campaign at the Royal Highland centre. But Scottish Socialist Party spokesman Colin Fox, a key figure in Yes Scotland, said tonight's result looks likely to be 'independence deferred'
Pro-union supporters dance the night away as months of hard work yields a victory
Pro-union supporters dance the night away as months of hard work yields a victory
A 'Yes' supporter comforts his heartbroken friend after the result became apparent. Salmond called on Westminster to speed through devolved powers
A 'Yes' supporter comforts his heartbroken friend after the result became apparent. Salmond called on Westminster to speed through devolved powers
In the first result of the Scottish independence referendum, Clackmannanshire voted No by a margin of 19,036 to 16,350, or 54 per cent to 46 per cent.
It was quickly followed by Orkney, seen as a solid No area, which backed the union by 10.004 to 4,883, or 67 per cent to 33 per cent.
Mr Salmond quickly returned to Edinburgh under the cover of darkness, amid speculation that he will come under pressure to resign.
Liberal Democrat leader in the House of Lords Jim Wallace said: 'Never write Alex (Salmond) off... it's not for me to say what he should do.
'He'll have some hard thinking to do. I think he will be in a difficult position - he has led his troops to the top of the hill, it's difficult to march them down again.' 
Last night Buckingham Palace said the Queen was following the results 'closely', with senior aides expected to meet from 1am to discuss her official response to the verdict of the people of Scotland, likely to involve a written statement this afternoon.
Former Scottish Secretary Michael Moore, the Lib Dem MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk, told Sky News: 'We have become a divided nation and we will need quickly to heal those wounds and get on with politicians in Scotland, of all parties, making sure we calm the temperature and I hope channel the energy we have got from people across the country to make Scotland a changed and better place.'
Each council area announced the total number of votes cast for Yes and No, which were then collated at the national count HQ at Royal Highland Centre near Edinburgh Airport.
The referendum campaign has produced one of the most astonishing campaigns in British political history.
Former Labour Chancellor Mr Darling, who led the Better Together campaign, has clashed with Mr Salmond across the country.
But in recent days Mr Darling has been overshadowed by the emergence of Gordon Brown as the prize fighter in the battle for the Union.
The length and breadth of the country, the debate has dominated TV talk shows, radio phone-ins, dinner table chat and seemingly every conversation in pubs, taxis, shops and schools. 
Mr Salmond's political career has built to this moment, but the fate of his nationalist dream appears to have been sealed by a late surge in support for the No campaign
Mr Salmond's political career has built to this moment, but the fate of his nationalist dream appears to have been sealed by a late surge in support for the No campaign
In the first result of the Scottish independence referendum, Clackmannanshire voted No by a margin of 19,036 to 16,350, or 54 per cent to 46 per cent
In the first result of the Scottish independence referendum, Clackmannanshire voted No by a margin of 19,036 to 16,350, or 54 per cent to 46 per cent
Macey Hadingham had her face painted in honour of yesterday's historic independence referendum 
Macey Hadingham had her face painted in honour of yesterday's historic independence referendum 
For the first time, 16 and 17-year-olds were given the vote, leading to the bizarre spectacle of youngsters in their school uniforms arriving at polling stations to give their answer to the question: 'Should Scotland be an independent country?' 
However, the campaign has caused deep divisions, with whole communities, families and even married couples disagreeing about what is right for them and for the country.
And there were threats aimed at political opponents, with the Yes campaign accused of trying to intimidate people opposed to independence into changing their vote or keeping quiet.
Graffiti was scrawled outside some polling stations, warning: 'Vote yes… or else.'
Marie Rimmer, who had been on St Helens council in Merseyside for more than three decades, was arrested and charged with assault as she campaigned against Scottish independence at a polling station in Glasgow.
Rimmer, 67, a former leader of St Helens council in Merseyside, was arrested this afternoon after a woman was allegedly assaulted near Shettleston Community Centre in Glasgow.
The centre, in the city's Amulree Street, was being used as a polling station for people to cast their votes in the Scottish independence referendum.
 Rimmer is expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court at a later date.
A police spokeswoman said: 'Police Scotland can confirm that a 67-year-old woman has been arrested and charged in connection with an alleged assault on a female following an incident at Shettleston Community Centre in Amulree Street, Glasgow, around 1pm today. A report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.'
After leading in the polls for month, the No camp saw their lead dramatically eroded over a couple of weeks in August, as Labour voters in particular swung behind separation.
Former PM Gordon Brown became one of the standout fighters for the Union.
After belatedly joining the battle, and suspending hostilities with Mr Darling after their friendship was destroyed by their time in government, Mr Brown attended dozens of meetings and rallies.
In Glasgow on Wednesday morning, he roared into life to give the speech of the campaign urging voters to have the 'confidence' to say No to independence.
He invoked the two World Wars in a dramatic appeal to the 'silent majority', adding: 'What we created together, let no nationalist split asunder.' 
Cheers! No supporters clink glasses as the victory of the Better Together campaign became apparent. More than 4.2million people were able to vote in the referendum, including 16 and 17-year-olds for the first time
Cheers! No supporters clink glasses as the victory of the Better Together campaign became apparent. More than 4.2million people were able to vote in the referendum, including 16 and 17-year-olds for the first time
The disappointment of the night was etched on the face of Yes supporters at the Edinburgh count in Ingliston (
In Glasgow it was all smiles for No campaigners
The disappointment of the night was etched on the face of Yes supporters at the Edinburgh count in Ingliston (left) while in Glasgow it was all smiles for No campaigners
There were glum faces among Yes campaigns at the referendum count in Dingwall as news of the early results emerged, putting the No campaign ahead
There were glum faces among Yes campaigns at the referendum count in Dingwall as news of the early results emerged, putting the No campaign ahead
Dour-looking 'Yes' supporters watch as the Scottish Independence Referendum results roll in in Edinburgh. Salmond's dream looks like it's over
Dour-looking 'Yes' supporters watch as the Scottish Independence Referendum results roll in in Edinburgh. Salmond's dream looks like it's over
As the hours trickled on a large crowd remained outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, with painted faces, Saltires and large Yes placards
As the hours trickled on a large crowd remained outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, with painted faces, Saltires and large Yes placards
Good night for a party: Yes supporters jumped in the fountains outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, despite the initial results going against them
Good night for a party: Yes supporters jumped in the fountains outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, despite the initial results going against them
Yes supporters jumped in the fountains outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, despite the initial results going against them
With counting underway in the historic independence referendum, Yes supporters gathered in George Square in Scotland burning flares and chanting songs
With counting underway in the historic independence referendum, Yes supporters gathered in George Square in Scotland burning flares and chanting songs
A No supporter was held back by police as he joined the party atmosphere at George Square, where prospects for the Yes campaign looked bleak
A No supporter was held back by police as he joined the party atmosphere at George Square, where prospects for the Yes campaign looked bleak
There was a smattering of arrests in central Glasgow - the hub of the Yes campaigners, but with a slightly lower turnout at 75 per cent
There was a smattering of arrests in central Glasgow - the hub of the Yes campaigners, but with a slightly lower turnout at 75 per cent
Rowdy: As the first results began to pour in, Yes campaigners staked out George Square and climbed onto the historic monuments to savour the moment
Rowdy: As the first results began to pour in, Yes campaigners staked out George Square in jubilant mood
As the first results began to pour in, Yes campaigners staked out George Square and climbed onto the historic monuments to savour the moment
Too early for fireworks? Yes supporters celebrated the closing of the polls in George Square but there were early indications that the No campaign may have won the day
Too early for fireworks? Yes supporters celebrated the closing of the polls in George Square but there were early indications that the No campaign may have won the day
Defiance: Pro-independence campaigners rally in Glasgow's George Square to hear the outcome of the referendum vote. The crowds were waving Saltires and burning flares - but some were arrested amid ugly scenes
Voters rally in Glasgow's George Square to here the outcome of the referendum vote
Pro-independence campaigners rally in Glasgow's George Square to hear the outcome of the referendum vote. The crowds were waving Saltires and burning flares - but some were arrested amid ugly scenes
Dundee was the first area to vote Yes, by 57% to 43%, but No is still ahead on the total number of votes cast. Voters rally in Glasgow's George Square to hear the outcome of the referendum vote
Dundee was the first area to vote Yes, by 57% to 43%, but No is still ahead on the total number of votes cast. Voters rally in Glasgow's George Square to hear the outcome of the referendum vote
Business leaders have warned of higher costs in an independent Scotland, shops predicted prices would rise, banks vowed to move their headquarters south and economists forecast economic collapse.
But Mr Salmond repeatedly argued Scotland's future should be in 'Scotland's hands', and saw support rise after declaring independence would put an end to Tory rule from Westminster forever.
Mr Cameron urged voters not to use the referendum to 'give the effing Tories a kick', but came under fire for not being seen more in Scotland.
During the last weekend of campaigning, the Prime Minister was pictured at a society wedding in Hampshire.
But on Monday night, in a speech in Aberdeen, Mr Cameron appeared close to tears as he pleased with voters: 'Please don't break this family apart.'
Throughout the campaign, men had been more likely to support independence, while women were more cautious and wanted to preserve the Union.
Among Scots living in Scotland, the split has been 50:50, while a majority of people born elsewhere but living in Scotland wanted to stay in the UK.
Bookies say millions of pounds have been bet on the result. William Hill said one customer who put £900,000 on a No vote now stands to collect £1,093,333.33. 
As the polls narrowed 10 days ago, Westminster leaders rushed to promise ever greater powers to Scotland in a bid to persuade them to reject independence.
But it sparked calls for greater devolution to England to redress unfairness in tax and spending across the border. Transport minister Claire Perry became the first minister to break ranks to attack the 'goodies' offered to Holyrood to see off a 'Yes' vote.
It comes after the Mr Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg signed a joint declaration promising to protect Scotland's spending deal and give its Government extra powers to spend and raise taxes. 
The huge crowds began to form as the final opinion poll of the campaign suggested the No campaign is on course to win by 54 per cent, with Yes on 46 per cent
The huge crowds began to form as the final opinion poll of the campaign suggested the No campaign is on course to win by 54 per cent, with Yes on 46 per cent
The huge crowds began to form as the final opinion poll of the campaign suggested the No campaign is on course to win by 54 per cent, with Yes on 46 per cent
People as young as 16 have been allowed to vote in the reaction, and the party atmosphere in George Square was a testament to the youth turnout
People as young as 16 have been allowed to vote in the reaction, and the party atmosphere in George Square was a testament to the youth turnout
As the crowds waved flags in Glasgow, it emerged David Cameron will use a TV broadcast on Friday morning to address the nation on the state of the Union
As the crowds waved flags in Glasgow, it emerged David Cameron will use a TV broadcast on Friday morning to address the nation on the state of the Union
Not all the celebrations in Glasgow's George Square were peaceful as one man was led away by the police after trouble flared at the lively demonstration
Not all the celebrations in Glasgow's George Square were peaceful as one man was led away by the police after trouble flared at the lively demonstration
Ms Perry said she expected MPs to be recalled to Parliament next week whatever the outcome of today's referendum to discuss the implications for the rest of the country.
She is the highest-profile Tory yet to attack the last-ditch 'Devo Max' pledge. Writing in her local newspaper, Ms Perry said: 'Cool, calm analysis, not promises of financial party bags to appease Mr Salmond, are what is needed from tomorrow and onwards.
'I am expecting Parliament to be recalled next week to understand the result of any proposed settlement.'
She said a No vote could result in 'a whole raft of goodies on offer for Scotland that will be paid for by us south of the border to try to appease the Yes voters'.
Cllr David Sparks, Chair of the Local Government Association, said: 'The Scottish referendum campaign has shown that public trust in the old ways of central control has been shattered beyond repair.
'The devolution genie is out of the bottle. The new powers that Scotland will now receive must be given to local areas in England and Wales. The appetite for devolution does not stop at the border and the rest of the UK will not be content to settle for the status quo.'  
One volunteer counting ballot papers last night, shows signs of fatigue as she separates the Yes and No votes at the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh
One volunteer counting ballot papers last night, shows signs of fatigue as she separates the Yes and No votes at the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh
Referendum results  are posted for the media at the Scottish Independence Referendum Count Collation Event, Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston in Edinburgh
Referendum results are posted for the media at the Scottish Independence Referendum Count Collation Event, Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston in Edinburgh
A volunteer counts ballot papers. There were allegations of 10 electoral fraud cases in Glasgow as voters 'turn up to polling station to find they had already voted'
A volunteer counts ballot papers. There were allegations of 10 electoral fraud cases in Glasgow as voters 'turn up to polling station to find they had already voted'
What's all this about then? One very young fan of democracy got to witness the count in Glasgow's Emirates Arena, the largest of the 32 counting centres in the country
What's all this about then? One very young fan of democracy got to witness the count in Glasgow's Emirates Arena, the largest of the 32 counting centres in the country
That's a lot of votes! Turnout in the first areas to report hit almost 90 per cent as thousands of Scots who have never voted pushed to make their voice heard
That's a lot of votes! Turnout in the first areas to report hit almost 90 per cent as thousands of Scots who have never voted pushed to make their voice heard
Something to keep them going: Counting staff were well-stocked with sweets as they made sure they had caught every paper to be counted in Aberdeen
Something to keep them going: Counting staff were well-stocked with sweets as they made sure they had caught every paper to be counted in Aberdeen
Staff being sorting postal votes in the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh (pictured) where all the results from across Scotland are being collated throughout the night
Staff being sorting postal votes in the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh (pictured) where all the results from across Scotland are being collated throughout the night
Vast: The first ballot boxes begin to arrive last night at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow, the largest of the 32 counting centres where 4million votes were to be processed
Vast: The first ballot boxes begin to arrive last night at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow, the largest of the 32 counting centres where 4million votes were to be processed
The question for 4.2million voters at Scotland's more than 5,000 polling stations was: 'Should Scotland be an independent country?'
The question for 4.2million voters at Scotland's more than 5,000 polling stations was: 'Should Scotland be an independent country?'


After keeping a dignified silence for years, Andy Murray shocked fans by announcing his support of the Yes campaign for Scottish Independence hours before polling stations opened yesterday morning. 
Addressing his 2.71million Twitter followers, the athlete from Dunblane near Stirling said he had been 'swayed' by the 'negativity' of the Better Together campaign. 
He wrote: 'Huge day for Scotland today! no campaign negativity last few days totally swayed my view on it. excited to see the outcome. lets do this!'
The tennis ace, pictured with his Gold and Silver Medals at the London 2012 Olympics in which he represented Great Britain said he will continue playing for the UK despite announcing his support of independence 
The tennis ace, pictured with his Gold and Silver Medals at the London 2012 Olympics in which he represented Great Britain said he will continue playing for the UK despite announcing his support of independence 
Murray's surprise public support for 'Yes' sparked a furious reaction – with many seeing it as a betrayal after years of support from British fans at Wimbledon, the Olympics and the Davis Cup.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline as the results of the referendum trickled in last night, the 27-year-old said his opinion 'did not matter' because he is no longer a resident of Scotland.
'I've followed pretty much everything about it over the last two weeks, and especially in the last few days and that's how I felt at the time.
'It's not my decision, I can't vote, it's for the Scottish people to decide and I trust them to make the right decision.
'I will support whatever the outcome is. Regardless of how it goes I think it's very important for everyone to come together and stick together afterwards.'
He added he would continue to represent Great Britain at international sporting events. 
'I will be playing for Great Britain in the Davis Cup next year, that is for sure, I will be there in March. As far as I'm concerned the vote doesn't change anything in that regard.'
In 2006 the tennis ace sparked outrage after telling an interviewer he would support 'anyone but England' when watching football. 
The comment led to a tirade of online abuse, with some critics going as far as to say they wish Murray had been killed in the 1998 Dunblane Massacre which claimed the lives of 16 children and their teacher. 
Police investigated the sustained abuse which was also directed towards the athlete's mother, Judy Murray.  
'Millions of English voices' must now be heard: PM's speech in full
Prime Minister David Cameron said 'millions of English voices' must now be heard as he addressed the nation in the wake of the Scottish referendum result
Prime Minister David Cameron said 'millions of English voices' must now be heard as he addressed the nation in the wake of the Scottish referendum result
'The people of Scotland have spoken and it is a clear result. They have kept our country of four nations together and like millions of other people I am delighted.
'As I said during the campaign it would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end. And I know that sentiment was shared by people not just across our country but around the world because of what we have achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.
'So now it is time for our United Kingdom to come together and to move forward. A vital part of that will be a balanced settlement, fair to people in Scotland and importantly to everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well.
'Let us remember first why we had this debate and why it was right to do so. The Scottish National Party was elected in Scotland in 2011 and promised a referendum on independence.
'We could have tried to block that, we could have tried to put it off but just as with other big issues it is right to take and not to duck the big decision.
'I am a passionate believer in our United Kingdom and I wanted more than anything for our United Kingdom to stay together.
'But I am also a democrat and it was right that we respected the SNP's majority in Holyrood and gave the Scottish people the right to have their say.
'Let us also remember why it was right to ask the definitive question 'Yes or No'.
'Because now the debate has been settled for a generation, or as Alex Salmond has said: 'Perhaps for a lifetime'.
'So there can be no disputes, no re-runs, we have heard the will of the Scottish people.
'Scotland voted for a stronger Scottish parliament backed by the strength and security of the United Kingdom and I want to congratulate the No campaign for that, for showing people that our nations really are Better Together.
'I also want to pay tribute to Yes Scotland for a well-fought campaign and to say to all those who did vote for independence 'we hear you'. 
'We now have a chance, a great opportunity to change the way the British people are governed and change it for the better.
'Political leaders on all sides of the debate now bear a heavy responsibility to come together and work constructively, to advance the interests of people in Scotland as well as those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for each and every citizen of our United Kingdom.
'To those in Scotland sceptical of the constitutional promises that were made, let me say this - we have delivered on devolution under this government and we will do so again in the next parliament.
'The three pro-Union parties have made commitments, clear commitments on further powers for the Scottish Parliament. We will ensure that those commitments are honoured in full.
'And I can announce today that Lord Smith of Kelvin, who so successfully led Glasgow's Commonwealth Games, has agreed to oversee the process to take forward these devolution commitments, the powers over tax spending and welfare, all agreed by November, and draft legislation published by January.
'Just as the people of Scotland will have more powers of their affairs, so it follows that the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland must have a bigger say over theirs.
'The rights of these voters need to be respected, preserved and enhanced. It is absolutely right that the new and fair settlement for Scotland should be accompanied by a new and fair settlement that applies to all parts of our United Kingdom.
'In Wales there are proposals to give the Welsh Government and Assembly more powers and I want Wales to be at the heart of the debate on how to make the United Kingdom work for all our nations.
'In Northern Ireland we must work to ensure that the devolved institutions function effectively. But I have long believed that a crucial part missing from this national discussion is England.
'We have heard the voice of Scotland and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard. The question of English votes for English laws, the so-called West Lothian question, requires a decisive answer so just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues on tax, spending and welfare, so too England as well as Wales and Northern Ireland should be able to vote on these issues.
'And all this must take place in tandem with and at the same pace as the settlement for Scotland.
'I hope this is going to take place on a cross-party basis, I've asked William Hague to draw up these plans. We will set up a Cabinet committee right away and proposals will also be ready for the same timetable. I hope the Labour Party and other parties will contribute.
'It is also important that we have wider civic engagement about how to improve governance throughout our United Kingdom, including how to empower our great cities, and we will say more about this in the coming days.
'This referendum has been hard fought, it has stirred strong passions, it has electrified politics in Scotland and caught the imagination of people across the whole of our United Kingdom.
'It will be remembered as a powerful demonstration of the strength and vitality of our ancient democracy. Record numbers registered to vote and record numbers cast their vote. We should all be proud of that.
'It has reminded us how fortunate we are that we are able to settle these vital issues at the ballot box peacefully and calmly.
'Now we must look forward and turn this into the moment when everyone, whichever way they voted, comes together to build that better, brighter future for our entire United Kingdom.'  
Glum Alex Salmond flees Aberdeenshire as the fate of Scottish independence is sealed - with a defeat on his home turf
First Minister Alex Salmond was pictured looking despondent early this morning as the fate of Scottish independence was sealed.
Mr Salmond was seen arriving at Aberdeen International airport in the back of the Skoda saloon car at around 2.30am looking glum as the first two results - Orkney and Clackmannashire - came out with No votes.
The final results showed the First Minister was convincingly defeated in his own constituency, with 108,606 votes backing the No campaign in Aberdeenshire, compared to 71,337 Yes votes.
In nearby Aberdeen the picture was no better for the nationalist leader, 84,094 votes for No, 59,390 for Yes.  
Ashen-faced First Minister Alex Salmond looked miserable as he was driven through a side gate at Aberdeen airport tonight, before boarding a private jet
Ashen-faced First Minister Alex Salmond looked miserable as he was driven through a side gate at Aberdeen airport tonight, before boarding a private jet
Mr Salmond had spent the day campaigning in his Aberdeenshire stronghold, but as it emerged even in his backyard voters have rejected independence, he went to ground amid speculation he could be forced to resign after failing to deliver on his dream of separation
Mr Salmond had spent the day campaigning in his Aberdeenshire stronghold, but as it emerged even in his backyard voters have rejected independence, he went to ground amid speculation he could be forced to resign after failing to deliver on his dream of separation
Mr Salmond's home in Strichen, Aberdeenshire was cloaked in darkness as he contemplated his own future in the wake of the referendum result
Mr Salmond's home in Strichen, Aberdeenshire was cloaked in darkness as he contemplated his own future in the wake of the referendum result
The First Minister was whisked through a side gate onto the airfield to a waiting private jet.
It had been expected for Mr Salmond to appear up at the Aberdeenshire count - his home turf as MSP for Aberdeenshire East - once the polls had closed at 10pm.
However, he failed to appear at Aberdeen Exhibiton and Conference Centre amid speculation that he had cancelled his appearance as rumours of a defeat of the Yes campaign spread.
SNP aides later denied that Mr Salmond had been scheduled to appear at the Aberdeenshire count.
The night even Salmond's own people turned against him: How voters in the SNP leader's constituency rejected independence as he fled the region in a private jet - and now locals say he could lose his seat in Parliament
By HUGO GYE in Aberdeen
Welcome home: A jubilant No supporter at the Aberdeenshire vote count, in the constituency Alex Salmond represents in the Scottish Parliament
Welcome home: A jubilant No supporter at the Aberdeenshire vote count, in the constituency Alex Salmond represents in the Scottish Parliament
Last night was supposed to be Alex Salmond's greatest triumph - but in the end, he was roundly defeated even in his own backyard, as a planned 'victory rally' turned into a unionist fiesta.
The First Minister was expected to grace the Aberdeenshire vote count with his presence on his way to Edinburgh, in what would have been an early celebration of Scottish independence in the event of Yes verdict.
But when it became clear that voters had rejected the break-up of the Union, Mr Salmond sloped off in secret to Aberdeen Airport to catch a private jet - while Yes supporters slumped disconsolate at the sidelines of the event which he had belatedly snubbed.
Even though his term as First Minister has nearly two years to run his political future in the area now looks in some doubt after more than three-fifths of his own Aberdeenshire constituents turned against him.
A local grandee suggested this morning that Mr Salmond might fail to defend his seat at the 2016 Holyrood election, which if true could bring his political career to a humiliating end.
Members of the First Minister's Scottish National Party started trying to spin the result even before it was officially announced, with one claiming that Aberdeenshire would always be a 'big challenge' - despite Mr Salmond's record of success in the area.
And when it was revealed shortly before 6am today that No had taken 60.3 per cent of the referendum vote in Aberdeenshire, it was the unionist side that erupted into screams of joy, while nationalists stood in stony silence.
The SNP leader won his Aberdeenshire East seat in the Scottish Parliament by a margin of more than 15 per cent just three years ago, and the region was considered crucial to Mr Salmond's efforts to craft a national majority for Yes.
His party is strong in the area, with one MP, three MSPs and 27 councillors - and their main local rivals are the Liberal Democrats, discredited in the eyes of many due to their Coalition with the Conservatives in Westminster.
Mr Salmond voted in the morning in his home village of Strichen, an hour north of Aberdeen, then visited a number of towns in the area in a last-ditch effort to win over the region.
His aides had promised that he would appear at the local count, at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, before flying on to Edinburgh for the Yes Scotland victory rally.
So it was a significant hint that Mr Salmond was fearing the worse when, just an hour and a half after the polls closed, a spokesman for the First Minister revealed that he would not be turning up after all - and tried to suggest that he had never been planning to attend at all.
News of his non-attendance spread quickly through the room, and was seen by observers as a sign that Mr Salmond had privately given up hope of achieving his dream of independence following the publication of an exit poll giving No an eight-point lead.
Instead, SNP sources claimed, he was enjoying a meal out in Strichen and an evening at home - even though there was no sign of him in the village all night, and he was eventually spotted boarding a private plane from Aberdeen Airport to Edinburgh at 3am.
Contrast: Supporters of the Better Together campaign were celebrating throughout the night at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre
Contrast: Supporters of the Better Together campaign were celebrating throughout the night at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre
At the start of the evening, the AECC hall was full of both Yes and No supporters helping to supervise the count, but many of Mr Salmond's followers beat a hasty retreat by the time that the main count was finished, while No voters stayed to enjoy the atmosphere.
Before long, the few Yes campaigners left were huddled in a small group, some slumped in their chairs, as their opponents cheered as council after council declared for No.
Sir Malcolm Bruce, a Lib Dem MP who has represented Gordon for 31 years, suggested that Mr Salmond's political career in the area could be finished after his dismal showing there.
'Will Alex Salmond defend his seat here? The hostility and resentment on the doorstep is extremely strong,' he told MailOnline shortly before the official result was announced.
'He has run away. He's utterly failed to persuade people in his own back yard of the case for independence. He's failed to connect with his own constituents, or inspire them.'
SNP MSP Stewart Stevenson tried to put a brave face on the defeat, bizarrely insisting that he had always expected to lose in the area - despite Mr Salmond's plans to appear at the count - because Aberdeenshire was too rich to vote for independence.
Poll: Volunteers in the First Minister's constituency counted the vote for hours before the result was announced
Poll: Volunteers in the First Minister's constituency counted the vote for hours before the result was announced
'It's clear that across Scotland there's a very tight correlation between the votes for No and the economic income and in areas that are not doing so well, they've been voting for Yes,' Mr Stevenson said..
'We always knew that Aberdeenshire would be a big challenge, but the challenge now is for the No campaign to deliver on the big promises that the three UK party leaders made.'
Eilidh Whiteford, a local SNP MP, added: 'Expectations in Aberdeenshire were never going to be that stellar. We always realised that if you win Aberdeenshire, you're going to win everywhere.'
Speaking in Edinburgh today, Mr Salmond was typically defiant as he called on Westminster politicians to honour their promises of more devolved powers for Scotland.
But 120 miles away in Aberdeen, at the count he abandoned, the mood was totally against him as revellers waved the Union flag and hugged each other.
The First Minister insists he will continue in his mission - but if he wants to survive in his political home, he could have a fight on his hands.


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