Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Anything to declare? Three girlfriends turn up at airport to confront boyfriend, 20, after discovering he cheated on them all ... so he fled with his granny

A supermarket assistant who had three girlfriends at the same time was confronted by all of them when he flew home from holiday.
Charlie Fisher, 20, had been stringing along Becky Connery, 17, Lizzie Leeland-Cunningham, 19, and another girl, who does not wish to be named, for more than six months without any of them finding out about each other.
But when he went away on holiday, Becky discovered he was cheating on her with both Lizzie and the other girl, who is 20, so they came up with the idea of humiliating him at the airport when he got home.
The Iceland worker from Hatfield Garden Village, Hertfordshire,  walked through arrivals onto Luton Airport's main concourse to be confronted by all three girls shouting 'Liar, liar' at him before he fled with his grandmother.

Revenge: Becky Connery, 17, left, Lizzie Leeland-Cunningham, 20, centre, and the third girl went to Luton Airport
Charlie Fisher juggled all three girlfriends by saying he was seeing friends or family
Revenge best served cold: Becky Connery, 17, left, Lizzie Leeland-Cunningham, 20, centre, and the third girl went to Luton Airport, left, were all going out with supermarket worker, Charlie Fisher, 20

Today Becky, an A Level student from Welwyn Garden City, told how she found out that the man she was in love with was cheating on her - and how she and his other girlfriends decided to have the last laugh.
She told MailOnline: 'I'd known Charlie for three years but started seeing him in March, and early on we had the conversation that we weren't seeing anyone else, that we were exclusive.
'I was in love with him, and he said he was in love with me, but I had my suspicions from the start.

'He was very protective of his phone, he wouldn't let me put pictures of me and him on social networks, he deleted comments I made about us - looking back, he was very shady.'
Becky, who said Mr Fisher was 'very clever with words', was at his house the night before he flew on holiday when she picked up his phone and saw a message from a girl saying 'I will meet you later'.
It instantly made her suspicious as she said he'd asked her to go home early that night as he had to finish his packing. 
Becky, who works part-time as a hairdresser when she's not studying, said: 'Charlie caught me and we had a row - I asked who this girl was and he said she was just a friend.'
Happier times: Becky Connery said she was so in love with Charlie FIsher, both pictured earlier this year, she 'hung off his every word'
These Facebook messages show how Lizzie found out that she was not Mr Fisher's only girlfriend
Mr Fisher, pictured with Becky earlier this year, used excuses about seeing family and friends to juggle girls

The next day, after Mr Fisher had flown off on holiday to see family in Germany, Becky found the girl, who lives in Hatfield but does not want to be named, on Twitter and sent her a message.
Becky said: 'I told her we were both seeing the same person and she wasn't surprised - she had been with him since January, and had always had her suspicions'
The two girls then met and discovered there was a third girl, Lizzie Leeland-Cunningham, 19, who lives in Hatfield, and made contact with her through Facebook.  Lizzie, a bar supervisor, had been dating Mr Fisher since meeting him on Facebook in April.
She said: 'He was a real charmer and had a real way with words - he knew how to say the right thing at the right time.
'But what I didn't realise was that when he was going off to see his friend 'Chris', he was actually seeing one of the other girls.  He did it to them, too, saying he was going to see 'Harry' when he was seeing me.  
The three women Mr Fisher was seeing have now become firm friends - and say they're glad he's gone
The three women Mr Fisher was seeing have now become firm friends - and say they're glad he's gone
Messages of a betrayal: This was the Facebook conversation between the third girl and Lizzie, in blue
The girls met in the pub to compare notes, and discovered he had been using excuses he was seeing friends or family when he was actually seeing one of them.
Lizzie said: 'I suggested as a joke that we should all go to the airport to meet him.  The other two said "Yes, good idea" straightaway, so we met on Saturday morning and went to the airport together.' 
As Mr Fisher came out through customs, all three girls called his name.
Becky said: 'He froze and looked at us.  He said: "Why are you here?  Why would you do this?"
'We were like "Are you joking?"
'I said to him: "I can't believe how you could be like this for seven months."'
Lizzie said: 'He came out of customs and saw all of us and his face just dropped. We said we wanted to talk to him, and he said "Can't I talk to you later?" and we said no, we wanted to talk to him now.
He came out of customs and saw all three of us and his face just dropped 
'I said to him "Don't you have anything to say to us?"'.
Mr Fisher headed towards the car park with his grandmother, who had come to collect him, but the girls continued to berate him, stopping only to explain what their grievance was to his grandmother.
'She just shrugged and said "OK" when we told her why we were angry', Becky said.
Becky put a picture of the girls at the airport on Twitter, with the caption: 'Just been at the airport to meet my cheating boyfriend...' and was celebrated as a hero by Twitter users, who said: 'This is awesome - you go, girl.' 
Now the girls, who say they're happy to have ousted him from their lives, have forged firm friendships with each other.
'They're great - I'm seeing both of them for nights out soon,' said Becky.  'We can't think what we saw in Charlie in the first place.
'I'm so glad we confronted him - it's not the 16th century any more - girls don't have to put up with this.'
Mr Fisher did not reply to MailOnline's request for a comment today. 


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