Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gang which murdered teenage rapper and sliced off friend's nose with £2.99 meat cleaver in row over YouTube video is jailed for 107 years

Four gang members who murdered a teenage rapper and left his friend severely disfigured after they had been mocked on a YouTube video have been jailed for a total of 107 years.
Mohammed Hussain, 22, Rubel Miah, 19, his brother Javed Miah, 21, and Fahim Khan, 20, drove around Bedford in a hired white Range Rover armed with knives and meat cleavers.
Their victim, aspiring rapper Isaac Stone, 19, was chased and trapped by the gang, before being punched, kicked and stabbed repeatedly, with a wound which penetrated his left lung proving fatal.

His friend Shajidur Rahman, 20, was left permanently disfigured with deep scars to his face and head after an attack carried out by Rubel Miah and Fahim Khan. His nose was amputated and he suffered four deep slashes to his head and face. 
Shajidur Rahman, 20, said he tried to defend himself but after the second or third blows he felt 'dizzy'
Shajidur Rahman, 20, said he tried to defend himself but after the second or third blows he felt 'dizzy'
Mohammed Hussain
Rubel Miah
Mohammed Hussain (left), 22 and Rubel Miah (right), 19, are part of the gang guilty of the murder of Isaac Stone
Fahim khan
Javed Miah
Fahim Khan (left), 20, and Javed Miah (right) 21, were also convicted of murder at Luton crown court

Prosecutor Vincent Coughlin QC told Luton crown court that the motive for the 'murderous attack' at 6.20 at night on Saturday January 25 this year was not entirely clear.
But the day before, an amateur music video called 'Go Missing' was posted on YouTube in which Isaac Stone, Shajidur Rahman and others appeared. 

In the course of the film, alcohol was sprayed over the name 'Raz' that had been painted on a wall. 'It upset someone,' said Mr Coughlin.
The prosecutor described how 'perhaps for show' a white Range Rover had been hired from Luton for £150 and in Bedford two meat cleavers were bought for £2.99 each from a hardware shop.
Aspiring rapper Isaac Stone was murdered by the gang of four in January this year
Aspiring rapper Isaac Stone was murdered by the gang of four in January this year

The group encountered Isaac Stone, who was driving a white Corsa with Mr Rahman and two others as passengers.
The jury was shown CCTV which showed a fast-moving street brawl ending with Isaac being cornered behind a parked car. By the time he arrived at Bedford hospital there was no sign of a pulse and he was pronounced dead at 7.15pm.
Giving evidence, Shajidur Rahmah, who has been permanently disfigured, said he had seen two defendants, Rubel Miah and Fahim Khan, earlier that night in an alleyway.
He said they told him they had not got a problem with him, but had a problem with Isaac and another youth.
Mr Rahmah added that he thought there was to be a fight with no weapons. He went on: 'Everyone froze. We said 'we have got to sort it.' We never anticipated it would lead to what happened. 
'It happened so quick. We stopped. We did not think weapons were involved. We thought it was a fist fight. Isaac said "They have got something in their hands."'
Mr Rahmah went on to say they got out of the car and Rubel Miah and Fahim Khan came towards them. 
'Fahim came up to me,' he said. 'I thought he had a hammer. It had a blue wrapping over the handle. I got hit by Fahim. I didn't know at the time that it was a meat cleaver.'
He tried to defend himself but after the second or third blows he felt 'dizzy'. His nose was sliced off with a meat cleaver and left at the scene.
The four youths all denied murder, attempted murder and two counts of possession of an offensive weapon.
Isaac Stone, 19, was punched, kicked and stabbed several times, with a wound to his left lung proving fatal
Isaac Stone, 19, was punched, kicked and stabbed several times, with a wound to his left lung proving fatal
But the jury convicted all four of Isaac's murder. The youths were cleared of the attempted murder of Shajidur Rahman, but Rubel Miah and Fahim Khan were found guilty of causing him grievous bodily harm with intent.
All four were convicted of two charges of possessing offensive weapons.
In June 2012, Rubel Miah and Fahim Khan were sentenced for their part in a shooting of a car dealer at the Peri Peri restaurant in Bedford.
Each received three years for possessing a shotgun with intent to cause fear of violence. Rubel's uncle Aktar Miah, then 25, was found guilty of attempted murder and received a life sentence saying he must serve a minimum term of 12 years before being considered for parole.
Isaac's mother Yvette Lendore said: 'Everybody loved Isaac and Isaac loved everybody.
'He was no angel but he was not a horrible or vindictive person.
'He used to play for Bedford Town, which is where he got the name Dynamic because he was so quick.
'Then he got into his music and just loved it. I am not going to lie, it is not all positive things in that music but some people take the words literally but they are just lyrics'.
She said he was the first pupil to be made a prefect at Harrowden Middle School and that between 800 and 900 people turned up at his funeral.


1 comment:

Mel Content said...

Inbred Paki scum, is anyone surprised?