Friday, August 2, 2013

'Daniel must have been absolutely terrified... the scale of his suffering was truly horrific': Judge condemns 'wretched' Pelka parents as they are jailed for 30 years for his murder

A mother and her lover have been jailed for life today for the murder of four-year-old Daniel Pelka, who was starved, tortured and beaten to death in a 'pre-planned' campaign to 'destroy' him.
‘Callous and wretched’ Magdalena Luczak, 27, and stepfather Mariusz Krezolek, 34, will serve a minimum of 30 years each for the 'deeply disturbing and shocking' killing.
Daniel Pelka had resembled a ‘concentration camp victim’ and weighed less than a toddler when he died following an ‘incomprehensible’ campaign of cruelty carried out by the evil pair.
They had imprisoned the little boy in a locked box room, force-fed him salt to make him vomit and held him underwater in a bath until he was unconscious during 13 months of 'escalating and incomprehensible cruelty'.
Sentencing them the judge Mrs Justice Cox said: 'He (Daniel) must have been absolutely terrified. It was incomprehensible brutality. The scale of his suffering was truly horrific,' she said.
A series of appalling blunders by police, social workers, teachers and NHS staff allowed the boy to be killed with a 'massive blow to the head', Birmingham Crown Court heard.
He was so hungry that he would steal food from bins and children at school, and was described as an emaciated 'bundle of bones' - but the authorities still failed to save him.
Jailed for life: Daniel's mother Magdalena Luczak, 27, and his stepfather Mariusz Krezolek, 34 were again cold and unemotional as they were given 30 years in jail
Jailed for life: Daniel's mother Magdalena Luczak, 27, and his stepfather Mariusz Krezolek, 34, sketched in court today, were again cold and unemotional as they were given 30 years in jail
Murdered schoolboy: Daniel Pelka, aged four, died severely malnourished after being starved in the months leading up to his death by his mother and stepfather
Murdered schoolboy: Daniel Pelka, aged four, died severely malnourished after being starved in the months leading up to his death by his mother and stepfather, who the judge said showed 'no remorse'
Stepfather Mariusz Krezolek who was found guilty of murder
Killer: Daniel's mother Magdelena Luczak, 27, who was convicted of murder
Guilty: Luczak, left, and Krezolek, right, who were found guilty of murder and were jailed for life today
Sentencing them Mrs Justice Cox, whose comments were relayed to the couple by an interpreter, said Krezolek inflicted the fatal blow.
11 of the 12 jurors returned to see them jailed, and one broke down as the judge said: 'Over the nine weeks of acutely distressing evidence I have not observed a single sign of genuine remorse at any stage from either of you'.
She said the 30-year sentence was imposed because of the 'incomprehensible brutality by both of you up to his death'.

As the couple were sentenced today, the QC acting for Daniel's callous mother Magdalena said she 'came to Britain for a better life but has lost everything'.
Krezolek's QC said he was 'deeply ashamed' about what he had done, but the judge said there was 'no evidence of that' during the trial.
It emerged last night that he had been jailed in this country three times previously, but was never put on a plane back to Poland.
The judge added that a determination to lie and to protect themselves at all costs had been the 'hallmark' of the defendants' conduct during their campaign of cruelty.
Daniel, whose body weighed just 1 stone 9 lbs, died on March 3 last year, two days after being attacked by Krezolek and subjected to water torture and salt poisoning.
Final hours: Daniel (circled in green) is seen leaving Little Heath Primary School in Coventry with his mother (circled in yellow) just 36 hours before he died
Final hours: Daniel (circled in green) is seen leaving Little Heath Primary School in Coventry with his mother (circled in yellow) just 36 hours before he died
Mother who would murder him: Daniel, aged four, runs after his mother Mariusz Krezolek hours before he was killed
Mother who would murder him: Daniel, aged four, runs after his mother Mariusz Krezolek hours before he was killed
CCTV grab of tragic Daniel Pelka with friends at school just days before he was murdered
CCTV grab of tragic Daniel Pelka with friends at school just days before he was murdered
Final days: CCTV grab of tragic Daniel Pelka with friends at school just days before he was murdered
The door had been tampered with so Daniel could not get out
Imprisoned: The door had been tampered with so Daniel could not get out
Prison: The tiny unfurnished box room that Daniel was locked in for hours on end. The urine-soaked room had only a mattress. The door had been tampered with so Daniel could not get out
Filthy: A dirty mattress Daniel Pelka was forced to sleep on during his confinement in the box room in his home in Coventry
Filthy: A dirty mattress Daniel Pelka was forced to sleep on during his confinement in the box room in his home in Coventry
During the 30-hour period in which Daniel lay dying, Luczak, 27, and Krezolek, 34, chose not to call an ambulance, instead opting to carry on with their normal lives.
Accepting that Daniel appeared to be a healthy and well cared for little boy when he started school in September 2011, the judge told Luczak and Krezolek: 'Over the months that followed, he was subjected by both of you to deliberate, escalating and incomprehensible brutality, which continued right up to his death.
'For reasons which are unfathomable, Daniel became a target for derision, abuse and systematic cruelty, designed to cause him significant mental and physical suffering.
'The scale of his suffering was truly horrific.'
Evidence that Daniel had been regularly 'imprisoned' for prolonged periods of time in a small unheated box room was also presented to the couple's trial.
The door to the room had been adapted by Krezolek so that Daniel, whose emaciated frame was likened to that of a famine victim, could not escape or even see out of the keyhole.
Referring to forensic evidence found on the door, Mrs Justice Cox went on: 'The small hand and finger marks on the inside of that door provided a poignant image of his desperate attempts to escape.
'It is a particularly grave aggravating feature in this case that, before the fatal blows to his head, Daniel was the victim of chronic and systematic starvation.
'Both of you deliberately deprived him of food over a prolonged period of time.
'His starvation was so chronic that his bones ceased to grow.'

Convicted killers: Magdelena Luczak, Daniel's mother, and his stepfather Mariusz Krezolek who were found guilty of murder by a jury at Birmingham Crown Court
Murdered schoolboy: The catalogue of injuries inflicted on little Daniel Pelka, which were found when his body was examined
Murdered schoolboy: The catalogue of injuries inflicted on little Daniel Pelka, which were found when his body was examined
The medical evidence in the case, the judge said, showed that Daniel's emaciation was regarded by experts as 'unprecedented' in Britain.
The judge continued: 'They likened his appearance to those who failed to survive concentration camps, and that comparison was not made lightly.
'As the months passed, Daniel increasingly scavenged for food, from other children's lunch boxes, from the playground or from rubbish bins.
'He would have suffered extraordinary hunger, increasing abdominal pain and, ultimately, a feeling of hopelessness. You, Magdelena Luczak, knowing of his hunger, gave specific instructions to his teachers that Daniel was not to eat any more food than the small packed lunch he had with him.
'Both of you constructed a careful and wholly untruthful account that Daniel had a serious eating disorder and learning difficulties, which he may have inherited and for which he was receiving medical treatment.
'This account was deliberately designed to prevent interference by school, medical and welfare personnel, and to perpetuate the brutality being meted out to him.'
End of trial: Head of West Midlands CPS Lisa Windridge(left) and Crown Advocate Aliya Rashid speak to the media outside Birmingham Crown Court after the sentencing of Magdelena Luczak and Mariusz Krezolek
End of trial: Head of West Midlands CPS Lisa Windridge(left) and Crown Advocate Aliya Rashid speak to the media outside Birmingham Crown Court after the sentencing of Magdelena Luczak and Mariusz Krezolek
Speaking outside court, Lisa Windridge, senior Crown prosecutor at West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service, said: 'I am satisfied not only with the verdicts but today's sentence of life with a minimum of 30 years.
'I believe it merits that sentence following all the evidence we have heard.
'It has been very harrowing and emotional to everybody that has worked on this case, from the police investigators, to those at the CPS and the barristers.
'All cases can be very harrowing, particularly on the public protection unit, but this case has particularly touched those of us who have been involved.'
Daniel was a ‘bag of bones’ when he died, despite the fact that teachers had seen him stealing food from bins.
And social services closed the file on him even after the couple waited 12 hours to take him to hospital with a broken arm. Following the trial, it emerged:
He was so frightened of Krezolek – who forced him to perform punishment exercises such as squat thrusts – that he would wet himself when spoken to by an adult man.
By the time he died a few months short of his fifth birthday he weighed 1st 9lbs, the same as an 18-month-old child.
He also stood 3ft 3inches tall, six inches smaller than the average. His body bore 30 separate injuries, including the fatal bleed on his brain caused by a violent assault to the head.
Police never established which of the pair delivered the blow, but Daniel spent his final hours locked in his cell on the mattress he was forced to use as a bed and toilet.
By the time Luczak made a ‘staged’ 999 call on March 3 last year, two days after the assault, he had been dead for a few hours.

Luczak and Krezolek were arrested two days later after a post mortem examination found Daniel died from a large subdural haematoma.
Magdelena Luczak denies murdering her four-year-old son
Daniel Pelka's teachers said the schoolboy looked emaciated in the weeks leading up to his death
Guilty:  Magdalena Luczak, 27, left, told police she had been raped by her partner to try and cover up the fact they were starving and beating four-year-old Daniel Pelka (right)
In court, the couple both denied murder and blamed each other for his death, with Luczak claiming Krezolek attacked Daniel after he wet the bed and Krezolek saying he was injured in a series of falls.
But prosecutor Jonas Hankin, QC, said a series of sickening texts in Polish between the pair showed the extent to which they acted as a ‘team’ to abuse the boy.
At the time of the abuse, Krezolek and Luczak were both drinking heavily and taking drugs, including cannabis and amphetamines.
The court heard how the couple managed to trick officials into believing that Daniel was suffering from a genetically inherited eating disorder which left him permanently hungry.

His teacher Lisa Godfrey described seeing him scavenging in classmates’ lunchboxes for food and likened his gaunt appearance to that of a ‘leukaemia’ sufferer.
'Doting': Daniel's stepfather Mariusz Krezolek cradles a baby in this family photo. His treatment of the child is a far cry from the abuse he meted out on Daniel
'Doting': Daniel's stepfather Mariusz Krezolek cradles a baby in this family photo. His treatment of the child is a far cry from the abuse he meted out on Daniel
Questioning: Luczak was accused of having lied to try and 'save her own skin' today during her trial at Birmingham Crown Court
Questioning: Luczak - seen in a court artist's sketch - was accused of having lied to try and 'save her own skin' today during her trial at Birmingham Crown Court
Witnesses said he was ‘disappearing’ inside his school uniform and looked ‘desperate and lonely’. By then, he had been reduced to looking in playground bins.
The pair told the school that he should not be fed as it would interfere with the medication for the fictional condition, so staff locked up the other children’s lunchboxes.
But despite their concerns and suspicions – especially after teaching staff saw him with bruising to his neck and black eyes – nothing was done.

Police were also aware of both defendants and attended the couple’s home at least three times in the year before Daniel’s murder.
Social services had become involved after the couple waited 12 hours to take Daniel to hospital when he broke his arm.
Devastated father: Eryk Pelka, Daniel's biological dad, leaves court after giving evidence against his son's mother and stepfather
Devastated father: Eryk Pelka, Daniel's biological dad, leaves court after giving evidence against his son's mother and stepfather at an earlier hearing during the nine-week trial
Prosecutors believe Krezolek broke Daniel’s arm ‘clean in half’, but the couple said he had fallen off a sofa.
The senior investigating officer in the case, Detective Inspector  Chris Hanson, said: ‘Those with the ultimate duty of care turned Daniel from a beautiful and bright-eyed little boy into a broken bag of bones.

'They left him, starving, locked in a room in the dark to die on his own.’
Peter Wanless of the NSPCC, said: ‘Once again crucial questions need to be asked about how a youngster slipped through the child protection net with the most catastrophic of consequences.’
A serious case review into the tragedy, commissioned by Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Board, is due to be completed in September.
The couple are expected to be sentenced tomorrow.

How police, social workers, doctors and teachers failed to save Daniel Pelka


Birmingham Crown Court after the sentencing of Magdelena Luczak and Mariusz Krezolek
Sitting at Birmingham Crown Court (above) Mrs Justice Cox (below right) described Daniel Pelka's murder as 'deeply shocking and disturbing' as she jailed Magdelena Luczak and Mariusz Krezolek for life with a minimum term of 30 years.
Here are her sentencing remarks in full.
'Mariusz Krezolek and Magdalena Luczak, the sentence for the crime of murder is fixed by law. It is one of life imprisonment and that is the sentence I now impose upon each of you.
'I must therefore specify the minimum term of imprisonment which each of you must serve, before the Parole Board can even consider whether you might be released. That is the punitive period I consider appropriate, having regard to the particular facts of the case and the overall seriousness of this offence.
'The facts of this case are deeply shocking and disturbing.
'As the trial has progressed, harrowing details of the unimaginable acts of cruelty and brutality inflicted on little Daniel, over many months, have exposed both the torment and despair he must have suffered and your callous disregard for his pain and distress. Time and again, knowing exactly what you were doing to him, both of you concealed your conduct from the authorities by a series of deliberate and elaborate lies, designed to put them off the scent and to prevent them discovering Daniel's true plight.
Disdain: Judge Mrs Justice Cox spoke at length about the couple's 'incomprehensible brutality' as she sentenced them both to a minimum of 30 years
'Your campaign of cruelty, as it has accurately been described, culminated in the severe blow or blows to his head that killed him. He was just four and a half years old.
'Exactly when this appalling cruelty started is not clear. Until your relationship began, in early 2010, Daniel appears to have been a healthy child, developing appropriately and giving no real cause for concern.
'While the evidence demonstrates that systematic cruelty probably began when Daniel started school in September 2011, your complicity in his ill treatment was first evidenced by the displaced fracture to his arm, sustained 14 months before his death on 5 January 2011, when he was just three and a half. This serious injury would have resulted immediately in excruciating pain and loss of function, yet you did not take him to hospital until the following day, clearly increasing his mental and physical suffering.
'I have no doubt that you, Mariusz Krezolek, deliberately used considerable force to inflict that injury, and that you Magdalena Luczak, discovering what had happened, joined with him in waiting to see if you could keep it secret, and then in lying to the doctors about how it had happened. This determination to lie and to protect yourselves at all costs was to become the hallmark of your subsequent conduct.
'There was further evidence of your real attitude towards Daniel, Mariusz Krezolek, in your description of him in July, to a colleague at work, as 'all f***** up' and autistic, and not worth beating because he wouldn't feel pain.
'Nevertheless, at the time he started school in September 2011, Daniel was described by the reception staff as appearing to be a healthy and well cared for little boy. It may be that he had some behavioural or communication difficulties, as you have constantly suggested, though such difficulties as he had are in my view more likely to have been due to your abusive treatment of him rather than to any other cause. They would have warranted, in any event, even greater affection, care and support for Daniel - not less.
'Instead, over the months that followed, he was subjected by both of you to deliberate, escalating and incomprehensible brutality, which continued right up to his death. There is no evidence of such ill treatment by you towards your two daughters. But, for reasons which are unfathomable, Daniel became a target for derision, abuse and systematic cruelty, designed to cause him significant mental and physical suffering.
'The scale of his suffering was truly horrific.
'He was subjected to acts described by you as punishments but which, in reality, were acts designed to cause pain, to humiliate and to intimidate. He was required to kneel on the floor for long periods of time, to run continuously around the living room, or to perform squats repeatedly and slowly.
'He was repeatedly forced to swallow salt, which you admit was poured neat into his mouth from the salt container and which caused him to vomit.
'He was subjected to a form of cold water punishment, being held under cold water until the point of unconsciousness, something his sister, then aged six, saw and had to describe to this court. Exactly what form that particular punishment took we will never know, since neither of you has explained it. He must have been absolutely terrified.
'He was subjected to regular beatings, as the teachers' observations of bruising and the multiple bruises seen on his body after death testify. There were nine separate bruises to his head.
'He was confined for regular and prolonged periods of time in the small, bare box room upstairs. The inner door handle was removed and the metal panel so arranged that he could not even see out of the keyhole. The small hand and finger marks on the inside of that door provided a poignant image of his desperate attempts to escape. The urine stains to the mattress on which he was made to sleep and the damp state of the carpet testify to his inability to go to the toilet when he needed. There is evidence of him soiling himself.
'It is a particularly grave aggravating feature in this case that, before the fatal blows to his head, Daniel was the victim of chronic and systematic starvation.
'Both of you deliberately deprived him of food over a prolonged period of time. He was literally wasting away. His starvation was so chronic that his bones ceased to grow. Expert medical witnesses and others with extensive experience in the field of child protection described their shock at the extent of Daniel's emaciation at his death. They regarded it as unprecedented in this country.
'They likened his appearance to those who failed to survive concentration camps and that comparison was not made lightly. As the months passed, Daniel increasingly scavenged for food, from other children's lunch boxes, from the playground or from rubbish bins. He would have suffered extraordinary hunger, increasing abdominal pain and, ultimately, a feeling of hopelessness. You, Magdalena Luczak, knowing of his hunger, gave specific instructions to his teachers that Daniel was not to eat any more food than the small packed lunch he had with him.
'Both of you constructed a careful and wholly untruthful account that Daniel had a serious eating disorder and learning difficulties, which he may have inherited and for which he was receiving medical treatment. This account was deliberately designed to prevent interference by school, medical and welfare personnel, and to perpetuate the brutality being meted out to him. You instructed and encouraged Daniel's older sister to tell lies to the authorities if she were asked any questions about what was happening at home.
'At some time in the evening of Thursday 1 March 2012, by which time Daniel's weakened physical condition made him particularly vulnerable, I am satisfied on all the evidence that in the minutes preceding the fatal blow or blows to his head, he was subjected to a brutal assault, in which he was given salt and subjected to a form of cold water punishment in the bath.
'It is submitted in mitigation that I cannot be sure that cold water punishment was inflicted in the minutes before he died, but I cannot accept that submission. On all the evidence, including the computer searches on the Friday morning, as Daniel lay unconscious, and the failure of each of you to explain them, I am entirely satisfied that it was.
'The preponderance of the medical evidence establishes that the injury then inflicted to his head was severe, resulting as it did in damage to the bridging veins, axonal damage and a large subdural haematoma. I am satisfied, Mariusz Krezolek, that this head injury was inflicted by you and that you applied considerable force. By their verdict, Magdalena Luczak, the jury clearly rejected your account that you tried to intervene and were sure that you were jointly liable for Daniel's death.
'The combined neuropathological and neurosurgical opinion is that Daniel would have lost consciousness immediately, or almost immediately after this impact so that any lucid interval, involving undoubted mental anguish and physical pain, would, mercifully, have been short.
'Daniel then lay alone in the box room, as his life slipped away, from that Thursday evening until just before 3 am on Saturday morning, while you both continued your lives, hoping that he would regain consciousness and that your conduct towards him could continue unabated and undiscovered. Your internet searches on that Friday morning reveal both the scale of the cruelty you had inflicted on him and your growing realisation that he was not responding.
'Still you did not take him to hospital, until you discovered in the early hours that he was not breathing and eventually called the emergency services. I am in no doubt that, before you made that call, you had deliberately planned the detailed lies you would tell in an attempt to deceive the authorities and save your own skin. That plan was put into action even in the call to the emergency operator.
'Before your arrest you made concerted efforts to remove evidence by deleting the computer search history, attempting to tidy the house and concealing the stained mattress from the box room. You lied persistently when you were interviewed by the police. By their verdicts the jury were sure that you continued to lie at this trial. Over the nine weeks of acutely distressing evidence I have not observed a single sign of genuine remorse at any stage from either of you.
'In my judgment there is no basis for distinguishing between you in relation to this campaign of cruelty and the assault leading to Daniel's death. While the evidence indicates that you, Magdalena Luczak, were the victim of domestic violence by your partner on occasions, I do not consider that lessens your culpability in this case. On your own admission you had a supportive network of family and friends to whom you could have turned for help, as well as the names of organisations and contact details provided to you by midwives or health visitors. In any event your relationship has been revealed on the evidence to be an intense and stormy one, marked by heavy drinking, mutual acts of aggression and yet strong physical attraction.
'Your continuing affection for and loyalty towards each other was demonstrated by the intimate gestures observed between you when you were produced before the magistrates court on 7 March 2012. That you, Magdalena Luczak, were fully complicit in these acts of incomprehensible cruelty towards your own son is clearly established by the chilling text messages you sent to Mariusz Krezolek, between 7 October and 2 March. Yours, as the Crown have contended throughout, was always a partnership of equals.
'In relation to the minimum term to be served, it has been common ground before me that the starting point in this case, having regard to the relevant statutory provisions, is 15 years imprisonment. That, however, is only the starting point. Each case will depend on its own particular facts, as will the level of overall seriousness. There are in this case exceptionally serious aggravating features, as the facts I have set out demonstrate.
'At the time he was murdered Daniel was just four years old and was therefore particularly vulnerable because of his young age. However, his vulnerability was considerably increased by his wretched physical condition, which rendered him completely defenceless.
'I am satisfied that acts of brutality were inflicted on him in the minutes before the final blows to his head, including forcing him to eat salt and applying a form of cold water punishment in the bath, thereby inflicting serious mental and physical suffering upon Daniel immediately before his death.
'After the blows to his head there may have been a lucid interval which, though short-lived, would have resulted in Daniel suffering fear, anguish and physical pain before he lost consciousness. Further, for the reasons already set out in detail, Daniel had already been subjected to persistent and escalating cruelty on an unprecedented scale over the course of approximately six months before he died, which was plainly designed to cause him, and must have caused him, significant mental and physical suffering. Your concerted, deliberate and prolonged starvation of Daniel is particularly grave. There was also an earlier serious fracture to his arm, deliberately inflicted, when you delayed in seeking prompt medical treatment for him, causing him severe pain and distress.
'Both of you are in breach of what is probably the most important position of trust, as the parents of a small child who was entitled to their protection, their love and their care. Your breach of trust, Magdalena Luczak, is wholly irreconcilable with the loving care that a mother should show towards her own son.
'Both of you carried out a deliberate and cynical deception of teaching, welfare and medical personnel, which was designed to conceal what was happening, to prevent any help being provided for Daniel and to enable you to continue your ill treatment of him without interference.
'Once you became aware that Daniel had stopped breathing, you made a concerted and deliberate attempt to deceive the authorities from the outset, and to seek to remove evidence of your involvement in Daniel's abuse and death.
'In my judgment there are no real mitigating features in this case. The fact that you intended to cause Daniel really serious bodily harm, rather than to kill him, in my judgment provides minimal mitigation in this case.
'This is one of those rare cases where the sustained campaign of cruelty you carried out over many months, which culminated in the fatal blows to his head, amounted in my judgment to conduct likely to cause or which may possibly have caused Daniel's death, notwithstanding that such a consequence may have been unintended. The level of culpability for each of you is extremely high. Your expressions of regret and sorrow made now ring hollow in the circumstances of this case.
'I emphasise that the minimum term I now specify is the minimum amount of time that you will spend in prison, from the date of sentence, before the Parole Board can even consider whether you might be released. If it remains necessary for the protection of the public you will continue to be detained in custody after that date. You will in any event remain on licence for the rest of your life.
'In all the circumstances, and having regard to what I consider are exceptionally serious aggravating features, I judge this case to be one where the overall seriousness is particularly high. The minimum term that each of you is to serve will be 30 years imprisonment.'


When Magdelena Luczak was arrested at her home she was shaking, appeared to be extremely nervous - and was holding the mobile phone which helped to convict her of murder.
Text messages sent from the handset provided evidence of the defendants' drug and alcohol abuse, their remorseless mistreatment of Daniel Pelka, and their attempts to keep the abuse from teachers, social workers and medical staff.
In one chilling message, Daniel's mother wrote that he was 'temporarily unconscious because I nearly drowned him.'
She wrote that she was having some quiet time - but threatened to submerge him in the water again.
Luczak wrote: 'I won't be hitting him but if I hear him when he later wakes up then he's going back to the bathtub. I didn't let the water out'.
Listed in chronological order, here are some of the text messages which passed between Mariusz Krezolek and Luczak, translated into English from Polish for the court proceedings.
October 7, 2011
8.46am - Sent by Krezolek: 'Magda, lead him to the room and lock him there, you'll have some peace and do wait for me.'
9.15am - Sent by Luczak: 'We'll deal with Rudy (Daniel) after school, he won't see grub at all. I'm going home now call me on your break.'
12.24pm - Sent by Luczak: 'Let's buy the white stuff instead of Vodka today. We would have some fun later and you could sit at the computer and look for a car.'
October 21, 2011
6.43am - Sent by Luczak: 'When you're going to the shop then do remove Rudy's door handle so (Daniel's sibling) won't be opening the door for him.'
12.04pm - Sent by Luczak: 'Buy salt as a must, if you have enough money then sugar as well.'
November 15, 2011
9.35am - Sent by Luczak: 'I'll call this clinic and change this appointment for (Daniel) because he's even more ill than he was.'
December 14, 2011
9.40am - Sent by Luczak: 'I was telling you I'd be having problems and a punishment because he's not at school. The hags from the council were here!'
February 1, 2012
8.54am - Sent by Luczak: 'You were striking him by the hands and he's saying in the lady's presence that it's hurting and I told him if he doesn't talk such nonsense he'd get a chocolate bar later on.'
February 2, 2012
7.47am - Sent by Luczak: 'One of his hands is livid blue and what am I supposed to do now.'
8.24am - Sent by Luczak: 'I rubbed this hand of his with antibiotic ointment and I'll call school before 9.'
10.21am - Sent by Luczak: 'Well now he's temporarily unconscious because I nearly drowned him. He's already in bed covered with the duvet and asleep and I am having some quiet time.'
10.24am - Sent by Luczak: 'I won't be hitting him but if I hear him when he later wakes up then he's going back to the bathtub. I didn't let the water out.'
February 8, 2012
12.11pm - Sent by Luczak: 'I'm leaving these marks of yours to you as they aren't coming off.'
March 2, 2012
4.34pm - Sent by Luczak to Krezolek, as Daniel lay dying of a brain injury: 'He'll get over it by tomorrow. There is no point to stress ourselves out and to call an ambulance because that will cause proper problems.'

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