Monday, July 7, 2014

Houseboy kills 78-year-old woman with kitchen knife

Police in Lagos have arrested a 16-year-old houseboy who stabbed his mistress’ 78-year-old mother to death.
The suspect, Hounvenou Christian Youine, a Togolese, stabbed the old woman several times with a kitchen knife moments after his mistress, Ajoke Olatorera, left home for a vigil. Police investigators are already quizzing the teenager and are puzzled while Hounvenou did not run away after killing the old woman.

Rather he had waited for his mistress and had engaged her in a fight. A police source said he actually meant to kill his mistress, but the woman’s cries for help alerted people who rushed in and saved her. When Olatorera went to the police station to report the murder, she was all bloody

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