Thursday, November 13, 2014

Controversial pick-up artist who tells men to woo women by choking them in fresh storm as thousands sign petition urging UK government to ban him from Britain

More than 80,000 people have signed an online petition calling on the Home Office to ban a controversial pick-up artist from entering the UK.
Self-styled dating guru Julien Blanc advises men to treat women with chilling disrespect and contempt - encouraging them to adopt his choking greeting technique.
Other recommended pick-up methods include threatening to commit suicide, injuring pets, isolating women from friends and family and treating them 'like servants'.
Sexist: Self-styled dating guru Julien Blanc advises men to treat women with chilling disrespect
Sexist: Self-styled dating guru Julien Blanc advises men to treat women with chilling disrespect
The UK petition, started by Caroline Charles on campaigning website, states: 'To allow this man into the UK legitimises sexual assault and predation, and sends a message that women are playthings or objects without agency.'
Ms Charles adds: 'Julien Blanc dresses up his seminars as dating advice, which at best is disingenuous, he focuses on tricking women into having sex in order to make money.
'It is wrong on every level, it is promoting violence against women and girls, it takes advantage of men and it sends a message of survivors of sexual assault that they will not be listened to.'
The petition has received considerable support on social media with Twitter and Facebook users repeatedly sharing the campaign.  
Mr Blanc has made a name for himself by being what he describes as an 'executive coach' at a company called Real Social Dynamics, which he calls an 'international leader in dating advice'.
Controversial: Julien Blanc uploaded this photo of himself and Russell Brand to his Instagram account 18 months ago  
Controversial: Julien Blanc uploaded this photo of himself and Russell Brand to his Instagram account 18 months ago  
As well as a British tour planned for February, the online petition claims Mr Blanc is due to conduct a seminar in the UK on November 21 - just days after being kicked out of Australia for the content of his talks.
The American was forced to abandon his planned Australian tour with his visa being revoked last Thursday. 
Campaign: The petition has been shared by thousands of people on Twitter
Campaign: The petition has been shared by thousands of people on Twitter
A similar petition to ban him from Canada has also been signed by around 50,000 people. 
A video published online shows him conducting one such seminar, urging men in the audience not to bother being 'polite' to Japanese women - but instead 'grab girls and shove their head' into their 'crotch.'
He adds: 'At least in Tokyo, if you're a white male, you can do what you want.'
Petition: More than 80,000 people are calling on him to be banned from the UK
Petition: More than 80,000 people are calling on him to be banned from the UK
He boasts that those who adopt his techniques will acquire 'panty-dropping masculinity' and learn to destroy the female 'b****-shield'.
In June, the 'dating coach' charged men £2,000 each to attend a seminar in Miami.  
His website,, speaks about his ability to 'manage [a girl's] expectations' to allow men to cheat, and how other men 'would go to jail' for the things he says.
On the site, Mr Blanc said his interest in picking up girls started when he read The Game - a novel written by Neil Strauss.
One of the pick-up techniques he favours is to approach a woman and choke them before covering their mouth to hush them up
One of the pick-up techniques he favours is to approach a woman and choke them before covering their mouth to hush them up
A page from Blanc's website says that his methods create the 'powerful emotions girls crave'
A page from Blanc's website says that his methods create the 'powerful emotions girls crave'
In the book, Strauss documents his time learning about picking up women with a secret society of people led by a man only known as 'Mystery'.
'I wasn't a popular kid, and it sucked. But it didn't 'really' bother me, until one day I... found a link to The Game,' Mr Blanc wrote.
He adds: 'I read a few pages of it and I was HOOKED. I had to try this whole 'walking up and talking to girls I've never met before and make them want to sleep with me' thing out... I was so off at first.'
The UK petition is addressed in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May and says: 'We petition you to deny Julien Blanc a UK Visa when his tour reaches the UK on November 21st. 
'He and his association - Real Social Dynamics - promote sexist, racist and criminal approaches to women.
His website,, boasts about his ability to 'manage [a girl's] expectations' to allow men to cheat
His website,, boasts about his ability to 'manage [a girl's] expectations' to allow men to cheat
Mr Blanc has made a name for himself being what he describes as an 'executive coach' at a company called Real Social Dynamics, which he calls an 'international leader in dating advice'
Mr Blanc has made a name for himself being what he describes as an 'executive coach' at a company called Real Social Dynamics, which he calls an 'international leader in dating advice'
'Please help British women stand with the women of Australia, the women of America, and women everywhere, and do not let the UK play host to events where men are being taught how to violate and harass women under the guise of 'dating advice'.'
A Home Office spokesman told ITV News that they were aware of the petition, adding: 'All visa applications are considered on their individual merits in line with the immigration rules.
'The Home Secretary has the power to exclude an individual if she considers that his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good.'
A number of women's groups have spoken out against Mr Blanc.
Sarah Green, from the UK's End Violence Against Women Coalition, said: 'We hope the Home Office will look at all the evidence available about Julien Blanc's activities and refuse him a visa. 
'His so-called pick up coaching promotes behaviour amounting to sexual harassment and sexual assault. His comments and abuse of Asian women are deeply racist.
Sarah Green from the UK's End Violence Against Women Coalition has urged the Home Secretary to listen to the petition
Sarah Green from the UK's End Violence Against Women Coalition has urged the Home Secretary to listen to the petition
'More broadly, Julien Blanc is part of a culture which trivialises abuse of women and racism. At worst this tells victims of abuse that what has happened to them doesn't matter, and gives potential abusers the nod that such behaviour will not be taken seriously. 
'We need an urgent public conversation about why a man like this can find a market and profit from the peddling of such vile misogyny.'
To sign the UK petition click here

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