Mom Tanya Miller is facing six years in prison for doing the unthinkable — taking her baby daughter to an armed bank robbery!
The 30-year-old mother of four served as the getaway car driver during a bank heist in northern England. Her 8-month-old daughter was strapped in the back seat, helpless and sitting alongside her mom’s partners in crime, who in addition to being crooks are also gang members. That is just unbelievable. That poor child, she could have been shot at by police pursuing the vehicle, they could’ve been involved in a car accident, so many horrible things could have happened! What was this woman thinking!?
Although they were to scheduled to stand trial next week, Miller and her partner Barry Doswell have already pleaded guilty before a judge who says each of them “played an integral part” in the robbery. That might be the smartest decision the two of them have made. There is absolutely no excuse to commit or participate in such a crime, especially when it could have resulted in the harm death of this poor innocent baby girl. I hope that she is placed with a responsible family member, or if not, a good and loving family.