Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My jihadi son should be executed: Father of UK Islamic State fanatic 'who was part of ISIS death squad' that beheaded 17 Syrian soldiers disowns him after video

British ISIS jihadist Nasser Muthana should face execution, his father said
British ISIS jihadist Nasser Muthana should face execution, his father said

The British medical student suspected of involvement in an Islamic State death squad should face execution himself, his father said yesterday.
Nasser Muthana, 20, deserved to die because it would be a ‘head for a head’.
The 20-year-old from Cardiff is thought to be part of an Islamic State ‘foreign legion’ of at least 16 jihadis who were filmed beheading Syrian soldiers in the desert.
As David Cameron last night claimed the ‘sick terrorists’ of IS must face the ‘justice they deserve’ including charges of treason, Muthana’s father Ahmed said he would disown his son if he is involved.
The former electrical engineer, 57, told the Mail: ‘What they are doing is inhuman, this is not the son I brought up.
‘I cannot have him back. No father wants to disown their children but I have no choice.’
Speaking from his home in Wales, Mr Muthana said: ‘I am like any other father. I am trying not to believe it is my boy, but it looks like him.
‘If that’s what he has done to someone then that is what should be done to him. A head for a head. I am not going to make excuses for him. He is a grown man and he must face up to what he has done.’ 
Nasser Muthana, who appeared in a recruitment video for IS in June, has also been joined in Syria by his younger brother Aseel, 17. 
Scroll down for video 
Mr Muthana said he called police after recognising Nasser in the video and South Wales police confirmed they were looking into the footage.
The clip also shows the decapitated head of Peter Kassig, a 26-year-old American aid worker, who is the fifth Western hostage to be murdered by fanatics.
In the Commons, the Prime Minister vowed that Britain would not be intimidated by IS.
He told MPs: ‘We will not be cowed by these sick terrorists. They will be defeated and they must face the justice they deserve.
‘The threat is faced by countries right across the world. We must face it together.’
Terror: The sickening video showed the graphic beheading of at least 16 Syrian soldiers by ISIS jihadists
Terror: The sickening video showed the graphic beheading of at least 16 Syrian soldiers by ISIS jihadists
Nasser Muthana, a medical student from Cardiff, appeared in an online recruitment video for ISIS in June
Nasser Muthana, a medical student from Cardiff, appeared in an online recruitment video for ISIS in June
Agreeing with Tory MP Philip Hollobone that British jihadis should face treason charges, he said that radicalised Britons made him ‘sick to the stomach’.
He added: ‘It is not only the full force of the law that these people should face; they should also recognise that when they take up arms in this way in another country, they become enemies of the state.’
Analysts examining the sickening video believe the jihadis – led by the Briton known as Jihadi John – are from at least six countries.
French intelligence officers identified one as Maxime Hauchard, 22, from Normandy and are trying to determine if a second fighter is French. A German was also identified – but neither were officially named.
France’s interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said one of the killers was ‘almost certainly’ Hauchard – now known as Abou Abdallah Al Faransi.
Friends said he was a quiet youth with a spiritual side who liked ‘partying with friends and drinking’.
The video, released online on Sunday, shows how the jihadis are seeking to heighten the disgust they provoke.
Jihadi John, dressed in black, is flanked by at least 15 other IS fighters dressed in desert fatigues and one brutal scene ends with an image of the captives’ heads on top of their bent-over bodies.
Last night there were also unverified claims that Mr Kassig had been killed in a US-led air strike in Syria nearly two weeks ago. However, analysts said if the claims were true then IS militants would have used it as a propaganda victory.
British journalist John Cantlie has featured in several propaganda videos but is yet to be named as the next to be killed.

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