Friday, November 14, 2014

Thug becomes the first person in Britain jailed for 'revenge porn' after posting intimate picture of his ex-girlfriend on WhatsApp

A 21-year-old man has become the first person in Britain to be jailed for 'revenge porn' after he posted a naked picture of his ex-girlfriend on WhatsApp.
Luke King uploaded the image, along with 'abusive and offensive remarks', to the online messaging service in August after the victim ended their three-year relationship. 
The woman, who has not been named for legal reasons, first alerted police after he threatened to post the explicit photographs online, the court heard. She said that she has been left 'disgusted' and 'really upset' after by his actions.
Jailed: Luke King was sent a number of intimate photographs by the victim during an on-off relationship that lasted three years. He uploaded one of them to online messaging service WhatsApp in August
Jailed: Luke King was sent a number of intimate photographs by the victim during an on-off relationship that lasted three years. He uploaded one of them to online messaging service WhatsApp in August
King, from Nottingham, pleaded guilty to posting an explicit image on the internet in a course of conduct which amounted to harassment of the woman.
He was jailed for 12 weeks at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates Court and  given a restraining order which bans him from contacting the woman for two years - including over the internet.
The sentence comes weeks after the Government published tough new guidelines on 'revenge porn'. 
District Judge Andrew Davison told King that he should be 'thoroughly ashamed' of himself for what he called a 'despicable and significant breach of trust'. 
He said: 'For some reason she sent them to you in complete confidence. Clearly it was an unwise thing for the complainant to do.
'Nevertheless it doesn't give you any excuse whatsoever to post this type of intimate photograph together with the abusive and offensive remarks you posted.'
Tough stance: The sentencing comes just weeks after the Government promised to clamp down on 'revenge porn'. Above, Luke King
Tough stance: The sentencing comes just weeks after the Government promised to clamp down on 'revenge porn'. Above, Luke King
The court heard the victim, who lives in Derby, told police: 'It has disgusted me and really upset me.'
Prosecutor Alison Wright added: 'She called Derbyshire police to report that he had threatened to put explicit photographs of her on the internet.
'She accepted she sent them initially to him but they were for his eyes only, so to speak.'
The court heard that King had been abusive to the woman earlier in the relationship and she had reported him to Nottinghamshire Police.
James Close, defending, said: 'He accepts it was a totally unacceptable thing to do. In his words "something exploded" in him.
'He said it was a stupid, angry reaction. He told the probation service he was not sexually motivated and it was not through jealousy.
'It has had an impact on the young lady and I accept that.'
Peter Shergill, district crown prosecutor at the CPS East Midlands, said: 'This kind of malicious use of intimate material online is a vindictive crime that leaves victims humiliated and devastated.
'Prosecutors are now following guidance issued in October this year that clarifies how we can use existing legislation to prosecute perpetrators of these intrusive offences.
'In this instance, because Luke King had threatened his victim and posted multiple pictures of her on social media, a charge of harassment was brought. 
'This is the first case of its kind in Derbyshire since the new guidelines came into effect and is a sharp reminder that these offences will be taken seriously and we will use a range of legislation to secure justice for its victims. 
The jail sentence comes just weeks after Justice Secretary Chris Grayling vowed to clamp down on 'revenge porn'.
He announced a new criminal offence of posting the explicit images online with carry a maximum jail term of two years.
The Crown Prosecution Service branded the offence a 'nasty and invasive crime' and the plan has been welcomed by campaigners.
According to the Bill, which is currently going through Parliament, the distribution of 'revenge porn' will be made a specific criminal offence in an amendment to the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill.
Mr Grayling said: 'The fact that there are individuals who are cruelly distributing intimate pictures of their former partners without their consent is almost beyond belief.
'We want those who fall victim to this type of disgusting behaviour to know that we are on their side and will do everything we can to bring offenders to justice.
'That is why we will change the law and make it absolutely clear to those who act in this way that they could face prison.'


Those convicted of revenge porn – the distribution of a private sexual image of someone without their consent and with the intention of causing them distress – could face two years in prison under new laws.
It will be made a specific offence, covering the sharing of images both online and offline, in the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill, which is currently going through Parliament. 
It will mean that images posted to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter will be caught by the offence, as well as those that are shared via text message. 
Images shared via email, on a website or the distribution of physical copies will also be caught.
Victims of revenge porn have previously found it difficult to have pictures removed from the internet.
Many sites where the images are hosted are based outside the UK, and requests to remove content are often ignored. In some cases, asking for removal results in more attention being brought to the images.
The move to clamp down on 'revenge porn' came after 149 cases, the vast majority of them involving women victims, were reported over two and a half years. Only six led to prosecutions.
However, the new rules do not affect the consensual 'sexting' of images by under-18s. This is already illegal – but police cannot monitor mobile photo messages. 

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