Monday, August 17, 2015

Jamaica police seize over 1,000 pounds of pot

Jamaican narcotics agents have seized a load of marijuana found hidden in two shipping containers at wharves in the Caribbean island’s capital.

In a Sunday statement, Jamaican police say investigators found 10 duffel bags stuffed with over 1,000 pounds of compressed marijuana in a shipping container destined for Suriname. Another container destined for the Netherlands had nearly 75 pounds of pot.
No arrests were made, reports The Associated Press.
Jamaica is believed to be the Caribbean’s largest producer and exporter of pot. Plants are grown mostly on the sides of mountains, swampy areas or hidden among other crops.
Drug law amendments earlier this year partially decriminalised the possession of small amounts of pot in Jamaica. But authorities have not softened their stance on transnational drug trafficking or cultivation of illegal marijuana plots.

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